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"Love waves"

3 years ago...

Tae Gu and Chae Yoon are stranded in an island because of typhoon. There we're no boats and no one dares to travel by the sea because of big waves.  "I couldn't contact my Auntie... I have no signal here... What should we do?" Chae Yoon said. Tae Gu also looking for some signal. One of the fisherman saw them and approach them. "You two must go home. It's dangerous for you to stay here at the sea shores." The man said. "But we don't live here... We're being stranded. Did you know a place where we can stay for tonight?" Tae Gu said. "Walk to that store and turn left there's a native house there and they let a guest to stay there. The Inn here is already fully book because of the typhoon so you better go to that house." The man said. "Kamsahamnida..." Tae Gu said. He hold her hand and he felt that it's cold as ice. "You're freezing... Let's go." He said. Chae Yoon follow him and they walk towards where the house is.

"Annyeong Haseyo... We're looking for house that we can stay for tonight." Tae Gu said to the old woman. The old woman look at the two and she smile widely. "Come in... It seems that the heavy rain is about to fall." The Old woman said. Tae Gu held her hand and they follow the old woman. "Are you a newly wed couple?" The old lady asked. Tae Gu and Chae Yoon exchange their glances and Chae Yoon blushed. The old lady smile while looking at them. "Oh I see... You're not... But will be okay to the both of you to share in one room?" She asked. "We're fine with that..." Tae Gu replied. The old lady look at to Chae Yoon and Chae Yoon let out a small smile with her pair of eye smile. "Arasso... Follow me and I will lead you to your room." The old lady said. "I will stay here for while, you go first Tae Gu." Chae Yoon said. "I will try to make a call to inform Auntie Soo Ah that i can't go home tonight." She added. Tae Gu smile, "Arasso... Be careful and don't go outside.." He said. Chae Yoon happily nodded.

"Thank you for letting us to stay here for tonight." Tae Gu said. The old lady smile and gave him some pillows and comforters. "Is she your girlfriend?" She asked. Tae Gu didn't speak for a minute and he realized that they never talk about their relationship status. "Yes she is..." He replied. "You're lucky.... I see through her eyes how genuine she is and how she gave her all when it comes to love. But..." The old lady said but she stop and think if she's going to tell him all her vision. "What is it?" He asked. The old lady let out a deep sigh before she speak. "I hope fate will be upon you. It seems you're a beautiful couple that's why I hope my vision was wrong... But if it's true, She belong to someone else." The old lady said. Tae Gu got shocked on what he heard. He didn't believe on fortune teller, tarots cards etc.. but this one brings him worry and anxiousness. Because of what the old lady told him, he immediately went outside to search Chae Yoon.

Chae Yoon is trying to search for signal but she failed. "Chae Yoon shhi!" Tae Gu called her. Chae Yoon turn around to face him. She was startled when Tae Gu walk fast towards her and hug her tightly. "What's wrong?" She asked. Tae Gu breath heavily and he close his eyes while hugging her. "Ani... I won't allow it to happen.." He whispered. Chae Yoon got confused. "I don't understand you, Tae Gu.." She said. The rain started to fall down from the sky and this is the first time that Tae Gu felt anxious and afraid in the middle of the rain.

It is a heavy rain and strong wind currently  hitting on the island. Inside their room through the big window, Chae Yoon and Tae Gu watching the rain drops on the yard. They manage to buy some foods, soju and beer before they headed to this house earlier. Tae Gu pour soju on their glass. "Tae gu shhi... What's your favorite season?" Chae Yoon asked. Tae Gu look at her and return his eyes to the sky. He drink his soju before he answer. "Summer..." He replied. Chae Yoon look at him and she couldn't believe his answer. "Yah! You're lying, right? You told me before, that you don't like to stay in the sun." Chae Yoon said and she's laughing and her laughter filled the room. Tae Gu smile while watching her laughing. He move closer to her and Chae Yoon startled. "I'm not..." He said. "Because in that season, we've met." Tae Gu said as he looking at her eyes without any blink. Chae Yoon was speechless and she felt her face is hot and it's turning red. She let out an awkward smile and avoid his eyes. Tae Gu smile  when he saw her reaction. How about you?" Tae Gu said. Chae Yoon smile and drink her soju. "I love rainy days.." She said. "I love the sounds of the rain and it's smell. It's bring me to the past and sometimes I can freely cry because raindrops can hide my tears." She said. Tae Gu is silently listening to her. Chae Yoon smile and she slightly punch him on his arms. "Yah! We're not compatible, isn't it? " She said jokely. Tae Gu smile faded and he drink another shot of soju as he recalled what the old lady told him earlier.

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