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Two years later

Tae Gu with a bouquet of peach roses in his hand is walking at the hallway. This is the place that he didn't thought that he will visit her. For two years he never failed to  went here. Until now, he couldn't believe that Chae Yoon died in that tragic death. They only spent three days as husband and wife then she suddenly passed away. Now, he's standing infront of her ashes. It's hurt to think that the girl that he really loves are gone and he's child never had a chance to be born in this world. His tears escaped from his eyes as he recalled that night, the night when he found her lifeless body inside the car.


Two years ago

With his heavy feet he manage to go to the place where the car accident happened. He saw the lifeless body of a woman as the police release it inside car. her face is hard to distinguish because of the explosion. His body shivering when he saw the coat of that woman, it's Chae Yoon's coat. "No!..." He said and he wanted to come closer to her but Ha Neul and the police officer stop him. "No! She's not dead... Ha Neul... It can't be..." He said and his tears started to fall from his eyes. Later on the police approach him and gave him something inside the zip lock bag. "Mr. Min, are you familiar on this ring? We  found it on the floor at the passenger seat side." The police said. Ha Neul take it and gave it to him. His world fall apart that time when he see her wedding ring. His knees are weaken as he bend on the floor. He's hand are shaking while looking at the initial and his emotions burst out when he saw his initial, MTG. "No! Chae Yoon shhi... No! It can't be... Please bring me back my wife... My poor  child... Pleasee... Chae Yoon shhi... Come back to me.."He said and his emotions burst out.

End of Flashback

He's looking at her photo and put the bouquet on it. "I hope you're happy right now playing with our little child up there..." He said. "I miss you... I really miss your smile Chae Yoon... Your lips and your hug." He said while his tears falling slowly from his eyes.

A man name Han Kang, it happened that he's a father of Jin Hye confessed that he's the one who kidnapped Chae Yoon because of anger towards to Tae Gu. Because of his daughter's heart break that's why he did this to Chairman Min's wife. But he insisted that Jin Hye doesn't knew it. Jin Hye has been fired by Tae Gu because he couldn't stand to see her face. But he's been so curious why Jin Ho didn't appear at the morgue or that night when the car accident happened. He know that he's presence is not important but he got a little feel odd because he's deeply inlove to Chae Yoon and he's not there to the hospital until Chae Yoon's lifeless body transferred to the morgue. Jin Ho visit to Chae Yoon's last day of funeral. Ha Neul observed him and he's quite odd because he's calm and relax the whole time. A month after Chae Yoon's death, Jin Ho pass his resignation to him. He told to Tae Gu that he didn't want to stay in the hotel because he only remembering Chae Yoon. After that, he didn't know where he is and he doesn't have any news about him. He asked his Auntie Sook hwi and she told him that Jin ho find sometime alone somewhere in Jeju island. Mr. Nam, keep an eye to Sook hwi because he didn't convinced on Han Kang as the kidnapper of Chae Yoon and also Tae Gu ask him to investigate more.


Tae Gu is trying to get busy for not missing his wife. He rested his head on his chair as he close his eyes.

'Yah! Min Tae Gu..'

He heard her soft and gentle voice calling his name but when he open his eyes he couldn't find her. "I miss you..." He said while looking at her picture on the table. "It's been two years, Chae Yoon... Two years of mourning..." He said. He heard a soft knock on the door, It was Ha Neul.

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