Chapter 10

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The weekend in the Netherlands was fun and Carlos admitted that he always knew that I had a crush on Lewis and now I feel so embarrassed because Lewis knows and I don't really want!

"You okay?" Lewis asked me as we got into the car for our way back in Monaco

"Yes totally" I agreed closing the door

"Okay" Lewis didn't believe me but he preferred don't say anything more, we arrived in the airport and immediately we were to his private jet

I was sitting opposite Lewis looking outside of the window, we were still in Amsterdam waiting to take off for Nice, I felt Lewis looking at me but I was too scared to look at him as well

The jet started and ten minutes later we were on the sky travelling, my eyes were in the clouds with some beautiful shapes

"Can you come here, please?" Lewis asked and I stood up walk to him, he took me sit to his lap "That's better!"

"Okay" I giggled looking at him "We have to discuss when we will end up the things!"

"After Abu Dhabi I think it's the best time" Lewis replied and a fake smile appeared to my face

"Yes you are right" I replied leaning my head against his shoulder, I feel so quiet and peace, Lewis had his hands around my waist stroking me


The next morning I made coffee for myself and I was in the balcony drawing the view, Lewis was probably still sleeping, we don't sleep in the same room so I have no idea if he sleeps!

I was drawing the blue of the sea trying to change the colours when it needed, it's a bit cold but I can make it! The buildings are covering the place were the waves of the sea are stopping but I want the buildings as well

"It's beautiful" That was Lewis that scared me, I turned to watch him wearing only shorts and trainers

"You scared the shit of me!" I said completely scared

"Sorry you were too peaceful and distracted by your painting so I wanted to admire you a bit!" Lewis smiled at me "I will train here!" He pointed at his gym equipment in the balcony "I don't think that I am bothering you!"

"Do your job and I'll do mine!" I turned to the painting smiling, Lewis walked to his gym equipment to start his workout

I was painting but with the corner of my eye I was watching Lewis training, he was a bit sweaty and that makes him even hotter

He totally was distracted me but god... I like the way he distracts me!

and I don't think that he meant that my painting is beautiful! It's horrible and I don't even know why am I drawing!

Estrella lay on my legs and I petted her head a bit before I kept drawing

"Do you want to go for golf in the afternoon?" Lewis asked and I turned to him

"Yes! It sounds amazing!" I agreed smiling

"Good! You will be my plus one I have pass and I can bring one more person!" Lewis winked at me and he kept doing his workout

I turned to my painting smiling, I have been for golf a lot of times with Carlos and our cousin Carlos and we had fun! Now with Lewis... Will be unforgettable!


As he promised in the afternoon we were in the golf club and playing golf

Lewis was really good and with his good training body he can make the things even easier!

I mean at gold yes I am good! I prefer drawing but with Lewis whatever I'll do is so much fun and good! I love spending time with him! I have only until November... in two months...

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