The calm before the Strom. 3

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Chapter 3

The following day, Rey proceeded to gather all the team members at the college, summoning them to the rehearsal hall.
Each individual present was brimming with excitement as Rey had sent out text messages the night before, hinting at an extraordinary and formidable plan for their collective future.

The anticipation was palpable as Rey made his grand entrance, with everyone keen to hear more details about his mysterious proposition. The gang surrounded Rey, bombarding him with questions about what he had in store.

It was at this moment that Rey revealed his ambitious scheme to establish a Dance Academy with the support of the college, a venture in which they all could actively participate and contribute to its success. The room buzzed with a mixture of astonishment and enthusiasm as the D3 group processed the magnitude of Rey's proposal.

The prospect of opening a Dance Academy under their guidance sparked newfound energy and determination in each of them as they began to envision the possibilities and opportunities that lay ahead.

It was decided that the D3 group will prepare a brief presentation for the college authorities...

The atmosphere among the group was energized, with everyone brimming with enthusiasm to collaborate on their designated roles for an upcoming college presentation. However, the lively discussion was abruptly interrupted when Swayam's mobile phone chimed with an unfamiliar ringtone, sparking curiosity and surprise among his peers.

Swayam's initial unease and subsequent hasty departure without meeting anyone's gaze left the group puzzled and intrigued. Rey, being observant, noticed Sam's anxious demeanor and decided to follow him discreetly. To his surprise, Rey witnessed Swayam engaging in a cheerful conversation over the phone, a stark contrast to his previous apprehension.

Rey couldn't help but feel perplexed by the sudden shift in Swayam's mood, transitioning from panic to joy within moments. The evolving dynamics within their group hinted at underlying tensions or mysteries waiting to be unraveled, adding an element of suspense to their otherwise exciting project preparations.

Rey, filled with a sense of apprehension, hurriedly made his way back to where Swayam was situated. Initially wrought with concern, Rey's worry quickly dissipated when he observed Swayam grinning. Swayam, perceiving Rey's approach, promptly terminated a phone conversation.

Perplexed, Rey inquired, "Why did you end the call? And with whom were you speaking?" Swayam, visibly flustered, hastily provided an explanation. "I did not intentionally hang up... It was merely a disconnection while I was about to convey something else."

Subsequently, as Swayam's phone rang once more, he chose not to answer it. Rey, casting a quizzical glance, urged him to respond. Swayam, evasive in his response, nonchalantly remarked, "Oh, it's just my cousin," swiftly diverting the conversation to another topic. Rey, content with Swayam's explanation, dismissed the incident without further hesitation.

They went back to the rehearsal hall and made a plan to Make a great presentation with the help of the whole gang and show it to the college authorities.

The members of the group engaged in thorough discussions, efficiently allocating tasks among themselves to promptly commence the work. With dedicated effort, they successfully completed the project within a span of just two days. The presentation of their work to the Vice Principal was met with anticipation. Subsequently, the Vice Principal shared that he would further present their work to the college trustees and authorities, promising to disclose the outcome within another two days.

The following days proved to be a period of intense anxiety for the group, as they grappled with restless anticipation regarding the fate of their efforts. As tension mounted, the group found themselves unable to quell their nerves, contemplating the impact on their future endeavors.

During a moment of heightened suspense in the cafeteria, the group received word from a fellow member that the Vice Principal requested their presence. As they congregated before the Vice Principal, an air of palpable tension engulfed the room. To their disappointment, the Vice Principal conveyed that the College Authority had deemed their plan lacking and required additional time for deliberation. Despite their inner turmoil, the group maintained a façade of composure, concealing their dismay behind stoic expressions.

They excuse themselves and went back to their respective classes.

Rey was too disappointed with the turn of events, he didn't go to any classes but stayed in the RH, when Sharon walked on him.

Sharon: Rey I have been searching for you for the past one hour and here you are, deep in your thoughts, what are you thinking about now?

Rey: sorry Sharon I was just wondering what will I be able to do now, again I'm standing on the starting line with nothing but confusion all around me.

Meanwhile, Swayam, who was also grappling with his own disappointment over the day's events, happened to overhear Rey and Sharon's conversation from the entrance of the rehearsal Hall. Feeling a shared sense of despondency, Swayam decided to leave for home because in his state of mind, he wouldn't be able to help anyone so after a somber lunch, he left for home.

The one that got away, but still living inside me.Where stories live. Discover now