Twenty-Two: Tit for Tat

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Fiona's POV

My heart filled with horror as I looked at Rowan and Rian, who were both dazed and covered in angry red rashes. Meanwhile, Cormac stood unbothered, with the dust still floating around him, reiterating that he used a silver alloy. After my crash course in Werewolves, I knew silver was their enemy.

Cormac grinned down at Rian, who was still withering on the floor. Rowan had fared better than his brother and charged my evil father, punching him in the face. He stumbled backward, hitting the sealed door and sliding to the ground as blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

I clung to Kat's hand as we watched the spectacle unfold. Rian pushed himself from the floor, coughing, and landed a blow with his boot to Cormac's ribs as he sat slumped over, dazed.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, terrified.

Rowan nodded but pushed me away. "The silver dust caught us off guard." He covered his mouth, coughing.

"Cormac has Kyra, and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry..." I tried to stop my flow of tears. "What are we going to do? We're stuck in this vaulted room and what about Kyra? And we can't leave Kat!"

"Fiona!" Rowan snapped, grabbing me by my shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself. You're hysterical and we must keep calm to survive." He glared into my eyes, his expression hard. "Ask Kat if she knows how to get out of this fuckin' room." I nodded and tried to calm my erratic breathing.

"The bastard is coming around, Rowan. I may need some help." Rian stood over Cormac, ready to take him back down.

"Sorry. Go help Rian. I'll ask Kat about the door." As I started toward Kat, I noticed a large ornate frame encased in glass, showcasing a bow and arrow to the left of the open metal cabinet. Pictures of me posing with my bow and arrow beside Cormac throughout the years dotted the walls. When I was young, Cormac took me outside on our expansive property and taught me how to shoot. It was the only time he spent any quality time with me. While I found the sport boring—I was more into fashion, reading, and music, especially strong females like Janis Joplin, Kelly Clarkson, Etta James, and Taylor Swift—I still wanted him to be proud of me. After years of practice, I was almost as good as Cormac.

A stone-like weight settled in my stomach, leaving me sick as I realized my father had been grooming, not spending quality time with me. He was preparing me to become a hunter like him. A nervous laugh threatened to escape my chest at his audacity and my naivety. I raced back to Kat, a crazy plan forming in my mind. "Please tell me you know how to get out of this godforsaken room."

"If the guys can keep Cormac contained, I can try," she said, nodding, staring into space. Kat appeared to be in shock from realizing Cormac had Kyra and her mother was the Queen of Fairies. While I empathized with her, Rowan's warning echoed in my mind, and I shook her by the shoulders. "Earth to Kat... I know you're upset, and so am I, but pull yourself together. I've got an idea and I need you prepared to get us out of this lab."

Her head jerked up in surprise and she regarded me with focused eyes. "What are you planning?"

"I don't have time to explain. Just be ready." As soon as the words left my mouth, I heard a scuffle from behind. Cormac had eluded both brothers and made a run for the cabinet. Rian grabbed his ankle, but the notorious hunter was agile for his age. He staggered to his feet and grabbed a handful of vials before dropping some onto the slick gray concrete floor.

A strong odor wafted in the air, evoking the primeval scent of wood, loamy earth, wet moss, tangy pine, and a sweet floral aroma I couldn't recall.

I knew it was now or never. "Grab him," I yelled and rushed to the bow and arrow hanging on the wall.

His Fated Mate-Completed- A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now