Twenty-Five: Celestria Damaris, Queen of the Fae

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First Draft


The past few days passed in a blur, while the media and news reported on all the bizarre incidents caused by Sexflex. The drug was becoming more potent and treacherous every day. Many experts cautioned about the danger of prolonged use, while journalists reported on its nationwide spread.

"Sexflex has reached across Europe and into North America," Rian announced with his eyes glued to the television screen.

Kat sat next to him, dismayed, and shook her head before jumping up and switching off the TV. "Enough of that! You are becoming obsessed." She stood, hands on hips, as if challenging him. Things had been tumultuous in our household, since I made a deal with Rian's favorite witch, Viona, enraging him.

He loathed witches-far more than fairies-but he held a special hostility for Viona. It felt safe to say Viona had lost no sleep over it. She seemed to hold Rian in the same regard. I wasn't fond, per se, of witches, but they came in useful from time to time-keep your friends close and your enemies closer, if you may. And if you needed a witch in your corner, Viona was hard to beat. Yes, she was rough around the edges, and had a nasty case of potty mouth-Viona cursed like a sailor-but her witchcraft was unparalleled. She also gave a new meaning to the term bewitching. Viola was a stunning beauty and drew men like moths to the light. Then afterward, she squashed them beneath the heel of her stiletto. The little spitfire was tiny but mighty.

It was no simple task to persuade Viona to lend us a hand, particularly given her aversion to Cormac Quinn. Despite her power, Viona was afraid of the psychotic scientist-with good reason. After two days of negotiating and a hefty sum of money, I tucked Viona away in our best guest suite and saw to her every need. The grand treatment I gave our guest had Rian livid with rage. I saw it as insurance and planned to keep her happy as the full moon inched closer.

As werewolves, besides shifting into raging beasts, we had no mythical powers and Fiona and Kat were of little help. Neither understood their magical gifts yet, and I didn't want to wait for the next full moon to attempt contacting the Fae Realm. I needed someone who could guide us to the portal. Time was not on our side, as Sexflex swept the nation and my innocent sister was behind enemy lines. Still, Rian continued to grumble over Viona's presence under his roof.

If the situation wasn't dire, I'd find the entire ordeal hilarious. There was nothing better than teasing your younger sibling, and watching Rian squirm should have been fun. However, I felt like a dark cloud hovered above me.

"Morning," Fiona said, smiling as she entered the living room. She looked lovely in an old sweatshirt and leggings with her jet black hair pulled into a high ponytail with rebellious strands escaping at her temples. I smelled her before she arrived. The odor of sweet sweat, a winter storm, and patchouli wafted in the air. Fiona's cheeks were flushed from being outside, and I noticed a faraway look in her eyes.

"Morning," Rian answered. "I was trying to watch the news, but somebody..." He coughed. "Somebody turned off my TV set."

"Well, we are sick of the gloom and doom, dammit!" Kat crossed her arms, glaring at Rian.

"All right..." Fiona glanced at me, her brows raised. "Kitty Kat, let's cook up a big breakfast and leave the guys to the gloom and doom for a bit."

"Fine." Kat scowled at Rian before storming from the room.

I looked at Fiona. "Do you mind making enough for our guest,Viona? I'm sure she is hungry by now and-"

"This isn't a bed-and-breakfast," Rian spat, jumping up to grab the TV remote. "I swear, Rowan, you act like Queen Elizabeth is staying here." He shook his head, jutting out his chin in anger.

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