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12 years later...(PRESENT DAY, Mthwalume)


I sat out in the scorching sun on the veranda, scrubbing my son, Lwandle's school uniform. In my hands, could feel the bubbles from the washing powder swelling up in the warm water. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead from under my doek. He had begun school last week and I can barely believe he just started with school! He is growing so fast. Just yesterday, I was cupping him near my chest. Breastfeeding him. 

"Mama!" I hear little Amahle calling out to me. My head quickly drifts to her, and i see her little feet lift off the ground as she trodded towards me! She's taking her first steps! My heart flutters in happiness as she trods faster before falling! "Woza! Come to Mama!" I squeal in excitement, clapping to her. 

"Hey! Hey!  Wena MaShezi! You are busy scrambling around a child while your husband starves! He needs to drink his medication, and he cannot do that with an empty stomach! Hurry up and make something to eat!" I hear MaGumede growl in her hut. I roll my eyes. That woman is always trying to make me a slave for things she should be able to do herself, I swear.

"Yebo. I'll be there as soon as possible..." I trail off, picking up Amahle. as I walk into the main house with her. 

As I place the food on the tray after preparing it, I take a quick glance at the fresh bruises on my arms, and my heart sinks. 

Sindiswa's words ring in my head "Mngani, why do you not just leave that monster of a man for once and for all..." Honestly, the thought has crossed my mind many a times. I want to leave, but at what cost? What if that same beast ends up making my family's lives a living hell? 

I walk into the lounge with my head bowed, balancing the tray in my hands. He looks up at me with a smile. I can already tell what he wants. I see him tracing my curves that appear behind  the apron. Lust written all over his eyes. 

I quickly kneel, with the tray in my hands, and he slowly takes the tray, not forgetting to brush my hand a little before he looks at me directly in the eyes. His gruff touch makes my insides grimace.  "Gxabashe..." I say, trailing off before I exit the lounge. I can still feel his eyes fixed on me. 

As I am about to walk out, I see Lwandle playing with Amahle in the kitchen.

" Come my babies, lets go outside huh?" I say cheerfully.

Lwandle continues playing with Amahle outside. This is my chance.

As I walk towards my hut, I see MaXaba peering at me from the corner of her eyes. I slowly look away from her piercing gaze and I go inside my hut. I slowly shut the door.

I quickly walk to the dressing table, and I open the drawer. I can feel the thumping of my heart against my ribcage. I pull out the scarf where I hid the pills.

I cannot afford to fall pregnant again. I'll never have the chance to leave this man.

I pop out one of the tablets, and I take it with the cup of water on the dressing table. Just then, the door busts open, and I can feel his frame towering at the door. I turn around, now facing him and MaGumede. I'm cornered!

God no. Please, not again!

"Nomagugu, what do you think are you doing?!" He barks.

"Baba...I was, I ..." I stuttered ,

"Buka Gxabashe! This witch is taking contraceptives!" She points at the pills on the dressing table.

"MaGum..." I say before she cuts me off "Shut up! You think we didn't notice?! You think you can just laze around here, huh?! You came here to build this family and to lengthen Gxabashe's lineage!"

The lust in his eyes was now replaced with fury.

"Bring that rubbish here!" He commanded.

With trembling hands , I pick up the pills, slowly approaching him. I held out my hand.

"No, come closer!"

Reluctantly, I slowly moved towards him, as I was handing him the pills , he raised his hand, and before I knew it I felt a big,  resounding slap, and a sting on my cheek followed. It happened to quickly for me to even react. I couldn't cry or scream, I was shocked. All I could do was to touch the area where I felt a sting.

"Rubbish!" Another slap followed , forcing me to fall onto the floor this time. I began to tremble , looking up at him. Tears stung my eyes this time, and they rolled down my cheeks.

"If I dare..." He started , pressing down his foot painfully on my arm "see you pull nonsense like this again..." He said.

I knew what would stop him. It always worked.

I began to wail and sob for mercy, painfully , "Ngiyaxolisa! , Ngiyaxolisa Gxabashe, Ngiyaxolisa!" I raised my hands over my face, hoping to defend myself from any incoming slaps or kicks he would give me.

"Nxa!" He clicked his tongue , releasing my arm from the painful grip of his foot.

He exited my hut, shutting the door loudly. I remained on the cold hard floor, still sobbing in pain , crying for mercy...

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