10. At Second Sight

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The chapter is dedicated to suxiki thanks for your support😘


But of course, Stone's face was as thick as his name. "I don't care if you are done or not, give me your blueprints." 

"Are you crazy?" Alfred glared at him. He has been working on that project for years and plans to finally reveal it at the bazaar but this idiot wants him to give it to him. 

"So what if?" Stone said nonchalantly.  "I won't be fazed to even harm your son and you know that. I can make your company face so many problems that even you won't be able to deal with it." 

Alfred kept quiet as the two watched each other via the screen. 

"You have five minutes to bring it over, Alfred or you can wave your son goodbye," Stone warned. 

Alfre closed his eyes for a while before walking back to his car. He took out a palm-sized black box and his heart clenched as he traced his fingers on it. For Joseph, he muttered and walked back. 

No one acted as they watched him while Stone laughed with greed. "Keep it five steps from where you are." 

Alfred's jaw tightened and he did as he was told. 

"One last advice Alfred." Stone said. "You aren't allowed to make something similar ever again or try to sabotage this because I have my ways of dealing with ya. " 

"Just return my son, " Alfred said calmly but the anger building in him now could send Stone to the ground. 

Stone laughed and folded his arms. "Come on old friend. What's the rush?" 

Alfred raised an eyebrow while the agent got ready to act. Alfred suddenly smirked. "You can't get all the win, Stone," he said and pressed a button on his watch. 

The screen went black and the light bulbs went out. The warehouse door suddenly started going up. 

"Go Now!" Alfred shouted and ran in first. Even if he lost his work, he should give that idiot a taste of his medicine. 

It didn't take long for the agents to arrive inside the warehouse. Stone was baffled at how Alfred was able to control the security tech, as everything just went out of control, furthermore opening the door. 

Safiyya was surprised at the intrusion and only saw the agents skillfully surrounding them. She picked Joseph up and got ready to escape. 

"Safeguard the hostages!" the senior agent ordered, pointing his gun at the two kidnappers, who had nowhere to go. The computer table was attached to the wall and it could flip revealing a door the moment Stone knew he was in trouble, he went in quickly abandoning them. 

Alfred was worried that Stone had escaped when the security got back. The automatic defense counterattack came and the agents had to get to work. The place became rowdy and besides stopping the criminals from running away, they had to protect the woman and child.  

Rows of glass shields covered them and Safiyya was told to pass quickly. The space was cleared and she ran as fast as she could until they finally saw light. Safiyya looked back with worry as the lights went on and off. 

"Will Daddy be alright?" Joseph asked worryingly. 

"In sha Allah," she muttered, rubbing his hair as two agents stood around them protectively. 

Inside the warehouse, the system finally got disabled and Jasper and Lawrenzo were surrounded. 

Alfred went for them and asked, "Where is Stone?" 

"He escaped and you can't do anything about it," Jasper laughed and it died down when Alfred punched his jaw. He immediately bled and tried retaliating but the food held him back. He and Lawrenzo were pulled outside. 

Alfred took a deep breath before they went out and all in his mind was to make sure that his son was okay. 

He rushed over and upon sighting him, Joseph beamed and came down from Safiyya's hold. 

"Daddy!" he shouted excitedly, and Alfred engulfed his son in a hug. Only he knew how scared he was for Joseph and seeing him now in good shape gave him relief. 

Safiyya watched the two reunite with a faint smile and she couldn't deny that the sight of Joseph's father was something she didn't expect. Joseph is cute, so the older version of him must be handsome but what she didn't expect is this handsome. She lowered her gaze at the thought when Alfred raised his head. 

Isn't she the lady he saw in the store earlier? So the accomplice was near them all along. They even used a woman to kidnap his son! 

He let go of Joseph and stride toward her. Safiyya was baffled at the quick approach but no one needed to tell her that this tall handsome man was infuriated. But what he did when he was before her, left her breathless….

Because he held her in a chokehold.  

He strangled her as his tall figure towered over her small frame. Safiyya couldn't breathe properly and she tried pulling his hand out, which was impossible.  

"Why do you always appear innocent but act like the criminals that you are?! How can a woman work with a group of bastards to kidnap a child?" he hollered and she was speechless. How was she going to explain that she was kidnapped too? 

"Mr. Hill stop. She's not part of the kidnappers." The agents tried to stop Alfred but his eyes were so filled with rage that it blocked his ears from them except what his son was crying about. 

Joseph was already in tears, seeing his mummy in pain. He slapped his father's leg, shouting. "Let my mummy go! You are hurting her. Dad, let her go!" 

Alfred could see the young lady's beautiful fave wrapping in pain but he wasn't willing to give in to that same innocence. 

Joseph panicked and yelled, "You hurt my mummy. I hate you!" 

I hate you! 

Those words brought Alfred back to his senses and he relaxed his grip. 

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