51. Proud

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Safiyya was amazed because the inside was bouncy with stairs, nets, balls, and glitters and you mention it. Besides racing, the kids were having fun. 

"This looks like something made in Hill Corp," Alfred muttered when he noticed some familiar details. Safiyya was surprised at this. 

"You are right Mr. Hill?" they heard a voice from beside them. 

They looked at the source of the voice and it was a slim man in blue polo together with his wife. He had tanned skin and curly hair and his wife was of a lighter shade, with blushed cheeks, and a red bindi on her forehead. Safiyya didn't need to be told that they were Indians. 

Alfred narrowed his eyes at the man who was smiling ear to ear having seen his boss. 

"Good morning sir. I'm Zohaib Sagar, from the computer department E1," he greeted stretching his hand that was slightly shaking. Will Alfred Hill give him a handshake? 

"I remember you. You were part of the meeting last week. You did great," Alfred returned and shook his hand briefly but that got Zohaib over the moon. 

"Thank you, sir," he smiled. "I didn't expect that I would meet you here sir. This is my wife, Madhuri," he introduced the woman whilst embracing her shoulder. 

"Namaste," she smiled, placing her palms together. Alfred just nodded at her while Safiyya tipped her head and returned the greetings. "Salam," 

"Wa alaikumussalam sister," Zohaib answered her and she was delighted to meet another Muslim. "Your son, I saw him with my daughter. He is handsome," 

"Oh, Shukran," she uttered. "I'm Safiyya," 

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Safiyya," he returned. 

"Safiyya," Alfred called her in a low voice. She looked into his eyes and understood what was happening. She turned to Madhuri and asked, "Urdu?" 

"Ji haan ( Yes)," the woman nodded and Safiyya gestured that they walked further away from the men. 

"You are Indian," she said now in their common language. 

"Yes. From Bangladesh," Mahduri returned.

"I am Pakistani," Safiyya said. 

Madhuri nodded and pointed at Safiyya's hijab. "And a Muslim. I'm Hindu. My husband Zohaib is a Muslim,"

"I see," Safiyya hummed. "It's been a while since I spoke to someone with a common tongue. You are beautiful Madhuri," 

Madhuri chuckled fixing her hair behind her ear. "Don't flatter me Safiyya. Standing beside you makes me feel less. A lot," 

"I am sure it's different for your husband. I can see the love he has for you in his eyes," Safiyya returned teasingly. 

Madhuri eyed her playfully. "Haan. You look very young Safiyya and you dared to tease an elder sister," 

Safiyya giggled and held her ears. "Forgive me Aapi. I was just entranced by your love for each other," she said and Madhuri laughed.

"Come on stop it. I am sure you have a sweet love marriage too," she told her and her smile froze but she kept it and shifted the topic. "How about your daughter?"

Madhuri breathed and replied,

"My daughter? She is the apple of her baba's eyes. You know, back in my community, they don't respect us women but when Zohaib married me, he made me feel like a queen," she smiled with gratitude and continued, "He brought me here and even though I am an illiterate and hardly speak English, he was never embarrassed by me. He always introduced me to his friends with his head held up high and when I gave birth to Meena, my in-laws were disappointed that my first child was a girl and not a boy but Zohaib, being the angel he is, treats her like a princess. He says she is his heir and his blessing," 

Safiyya glanced at Zohaib with admiration before turning back to Madhuri. "Zohaib sir is a one in a million. Such men are blessings from the Almighty," she said sincerely. 

Madhuri agreed with her. "You are right Safiyya. He is a genius, hardworking, and charming man. Sometimes I wonder how lucky I am to marry someone like him," 

"That's fate. Always comes with surprises," Safiyya smiled, wondering about her current life. 

Madhuri grinned when she saw Joseph leading. "Look over there. Your son is leading," 

Safiyya also saw it and her happiness increased. Her little boy was finally giving his best. She felt Alfred come close to her. They must have finished their conversation. 

The kids were heading for the last stage and with immense joy and surprise, she saw Joseph as he jumped and punched the golden buzzer on the wall and the golden glitters fell on his, indicating the winner. 

"Woah!" Safiyya didn't know when she shouted and started clapping. He won. He actually won! Of course, in her excitement, she didn't see the smile on Alfred's face as he clapped for his son too. It was like Joseph saw the camera watching them inside and turned to it giving them a double thumbs up. 

"Congratulations!" Madhuri said from beside her and she thanked her. The kids eventually came out and Joseph ran towards his parents opening his arms. Safiyya didn't wait and went down on her knees, opening her arms with the best grin she could give. Alfred forgot all formalities and went down too. Joseph came running right into his parent's embrace. He hugged their necks with a wide grin. 

"I did it!' he declared and smiled at his mummy. "Double win," he said and pecked her cheek to which she pouted and kissed him back. He giggled and turned to his Dad. "I made you proud right?" he asked and Alfred hummed in return with a tight-lipped smile. "You always did son," he said and kissed his cheek. Joseph grinned and returned the gesture. 

Safiyya carefully slipped out and let them enjoy the gesture. She rubbed her eye with the back of her palm feeling the tears that formed there. She smiled and turned her attention to Madhuri and Zohaib who were now together with a young girl with pigtails. That must be Meena. 

"Congratulations all of you!" Mrs. Vincent announced and everyone cheered. After replaying the game, the winner was announced and gifts and medals were shared later, not after the combined games which included sports. Safiyya got Madhuri's number and got to bond with Meena and even though Joseph was still shy of kids, he said hi. They left with everyone and entered the silver car. 

The drive back home was noisy at first before it went silent before the speaker fell asleep in his mother's embrace. They arrived at the house and Safiyya carried him in. They walked inside and she headed for the stairs.

"Safiyya," Alfred called out and she turned around. He looked at her and hesitation flashed in his eyes before he muttered, "Thank you," he quickly walked away before she took in the surprise. She blinked before closing her lips and going upstairs. 

Dropping Joseph gently on the bed, she took off his shirt, shoes, and socks. Safiyya was tired too, so she just unclipped her hijab and took off her shirt leaving only the best before lying down too. It didn't take long before she dozed off too. 

When Safiyya woke up, he was surprised that it was already 3. She got off the bed, took a quick shower, and came out to pray dhur. Having felt the movement, Joseph woke up too and she helped him clean up changing into some fresh clothes. They went downstairs and had a quick meal before she prepared something. 

That night, they retired to bed early due to the tiredness but Safiyya couldn't sleep. She sighed and called her best friend. 

"Hey, bestie. How are you?" Jessy's voice came from the other side.

"I'm fine Jessy. You sound tired. I guess you just returned from work?" Safiyya asked. 

"Yep," Jessy affirmed and asked excitedly, "How was the family game day with your…family? I'm so eager to hear what happened," 

Safiyya pouted and covered her face with a pillow. "I'm gonna faint right now bestie," she whined in a muffled voice. 

Jessy hummed in understanding. "Come on, spill it. What happened? I get a feeling that Mr. Handsome is involved," 

Aapi means elder sister 👍

😁🤧 Even I am curious as to what happened. Find out in the next chapter😉

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