45. It runs in the blood.

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"Dad is here!" Joseph announced. Safiyya tilted her head to look at him and gasped.

Right from the first day they met, Safiyya has only seen Alfred in formal wear but today he was in casuals. He wore gray sweatpants and a black sweater. His hair was let loose, lying on his shoulders. He squinted against the sun and lowered his head only to meet her gaze. Safiyya quickly turned her head hoping that she wasn't caught staring.

"Joseph, what are you painting?" Alfred asked his son. He slept late, making him wake up late too. Just when he was thinking of breakfast, he found a piece of pie in a glassware and tea in a flask.

After hesitating and protesting against hunger, he sat down to eat and it was damn good. He just packed the plates when Joseph ran in panting.

"Morning Dad!" he waved his hand with a smile.

"Good morning Joseph," Alfred returned with a faint smile. Joseph scratched his head nervously at his father's gaze.
"What is it?" he asked.

"Uhmm," Joseph dropped his hand and gathered his confidence, saying in one go. "Mummy and I want to paint and I want you to join us,"

Alfred paused mulling over it as Joseph stared at him with puppy eyes. His son hardly asked for a favor and rejecting him now will surely take that smile down. That wasn't what he wanted.

"Okay, let's go," he nodded.

"Yay. Let's go!" Joseph rejoined and held his father's finger rushing out.

Back to the present,

Joseph held his drawing board and said, "We will all paint something and then show it to each other and see which is better,"

Alfred smirked and glanced at Safiyya. "Who knows if your mummy can win over us? Some things run in the family,"

Safiyya gasped at the challenge while Joseph chortled. Okay, the height is too much, she hissed inwardly and stood up. Now that's better.

"How sure are you sir Alfred?" she crossed her arms and he just raised an eyebrow. She smiled and added,
"Tsk, to me painting is an art not just talent. Even if you just splash paint on paper, it's still art."

"So you are giving up before it even started?" he scoffed.

"Did I say that? Yousef," she rolled her eyes and turned to Joseph.

"Yes, mummy," he blinked.

"Let's win this okay?" she told him and he nodded.

She heard a low chuckle from Alfred as he picked a painting board. "Unlike some of us, I don't need to cheat to win,"

Safiyya harrumphed and sat back down.

"Let's beat him," she heard Joseph whisper and their eyes met and they chuckled.

Alfred was unfazed as he flexed with his brush. Safiyya eyed him and gracefully started painting. Unlike the two competitive adults, Joseph was just enjoying the fact that he was having fun with both parents. A smile grazed his small lips.

Time went by and the three were engrossed in what they were doing. Joseph held his art before his eyes with a grin.
"Time up!' he shouted.

"One more minute!" came two replies and they glared at each other.

"Oh, okay," Joseph agreed, wiping his hands.

"Done," Safiyya said and turned around.

"Must you announce it?" Alfred returned, placing his palm on the board. She curled her lips, wondering when this man became so talkative.

"Everyone is done," Joseph stood up and hummed at both of them. "Dad, you go first," he said.

Alfred simply used his fingers and twirled the board, earning two gasps. Joseph absentmindedly walked over gawking over the drawing.

It was a small boy in a cool battle suit. It was silver and black with different gadgets attached to it. The boy had a helmet but the eyes showing through the visor were green. He was standing in a place that looked like a gloomy ruined city.

"This is cool Dad," Joseph smiled, giving Alfred a thumbs up. His dad painted him.

"Nice," Safiyya muttered. It was a warrior drawing but luckily no face was shown. Alfred quirked his eyebrows and said, "Did you suddenly lose confidence?"

"You wish," she said and held her board up.

"Woah, beautiful, " Joseph exclaimed and rushed back to her. Alfred felt betrayed and Safiyya couldn't help but smirk.

Joseph on the other hand was marveling over the painting.
"Mummy, what is this called?" he asked curiously.

"A mandala," she replied. She used blue, red, green, and purple to draw this mandala and it was eye-catching.

It is beautiful, Alfred thought, wondering how she finished that in a short time. Must be practiced.

"I love both. But..." Joseph said. "Let's see mine. I'm sure I will win," he said competitively, making Safiyya shake her head. This does run in their blood.

"Look," he turned the board over and the two froze. For a four-year-old, Joseph was talented but it was what he painted and took his parents by surprise.

It was a drawing of three figures on a grass path. A small boy holding onto two people by his side. A woman by the side with a hijab and a tall man in a suit.

"This is me, this is Dad and this is mummy. It's great right?" Joseph said glancing at both of them.

"It's...beautiful," Safiyya smiled stroking his hair. He smiled and turned to his father.
It was what Joseph wrote at the bottom that took Alfred's attention the most.

'My dream.'

"Dad?" Joseph called out.

"Oh...It's nice," Alfred said in a low voice. "It seems we have a winner,"

"Me right?" Joseph asked and Safiyya pulled his chubby cheek. "Of course baby," he chuckled becoming shy all of the sudden.

"I have something to do. Have fun," Alfred said and stood up.

"Okay, bye," Joseph waved his hand at him. He was satisfied that his dad joined already. Alfred hummed and walked away.

Safiyya pursed her lips and asked Joseph, "What next?"

Joseph stretched his hands and pouted. "I'm suddenly tired from all the running, "

"What do you expect?" she eyed him playfully and he rubbed his ear bashfully. "I don't want the day to end because I am tired," he muttered.

"And it won't," she said. "There are many things we can do without running. Like...."

"Cartoon?" he inquired and she nodded. "Let's pack up first," she said.

They went in to watch some cartoons, had lunch, and other activities that involved reading story books too. All through, they only saw Alfred after having lunch.

It was barely eight when Joseph started feeling sleepy. After a quick bath, Safiyya tucked him into bed. He barely spent a minute before dozing off. This brought a smile to Safiyya's face and she lay there cuddling him for a while before her phone rang.

She carefully got down after seeing the caller.
"Hey love," she said cheekily.

"Do you have to be sweet? I will miss you even more," Jessy whined.

"It's been just a day," Safiyya rolled her eyes.

"You still miss me," Jessy returned and Safiyya couldn't help but agree. They spoke for a while as Safiyya told her best friend about her good day. They ended the call and she sat down before the window.

She took a deep breath before dialing her mother's number. She waited patiently and phewed when it was picked but her eyes widened at the voice she heard.
"Safiyya?" the so familiar make voice came.

"Abooh?" she muttered in shock.

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