A Message From ASDadore

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Assalamu alaikum dear readers. This is to inform you that the update for SBM might halt in the coming days.😔

I have an upcoming sessional exam next week and it will determine if I get into the medical college or not, so I have to focus. Writing will be very hard. I will update some chapters in The Princess of Bloom, so you can engage with Abdul and Zahra before we continue.

🥳🥳 Appreciation!

Jazakumullahu Khair for your support of my book. I got 200 reads in less than two months and even if it isn't much to others, it means a lot to me. The kind and beautiful comments from some of you kept pushing me forward. So thank you. 

And there is something I failed to mention before. Stand by Me is a slow-paced story. I don't like writing too much of cliche and I want the book to be as realistic as possible. I want to shed light on female power, the struggle they face, and the love of a mother. Even if the chapters drag on but you can see that the details mentioned are leading somewhere.

From where we stopped now, it's getting more serious. How much hardship will Alfred make Safiyya go through? Will she give up on Joseph? And the poor boy, how long will he keep on in the absence of his mother?

This is a promise to you adorable readers. Many surprises are on the way. So watch out😉

Until then, Fi amani Allah🥰❤️❤️❤️

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