44. Cute closeness.

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Salam everyone. Happy 1k reads🥳🥳🥳🥳 Jazakumullahu Khair for your support, your love, your votes, your comments, your everything! I love you guys. You are adorable.

That night, Alfred lay in his bed, watching the ceiling absentmindedly. The night was quiet and sleep didn't take over him, just like other nights. Tonight was different because different thoughts ran in his head. Another human being was in his house, that too his son's room and he is unusually calm. Since when did his trust level become high like this?

"No, I have to check," he sat up and flung the duvet to the other side before walking out of the room. The security lock opened and he peered into the dark room. The LED around the bed dimly illuminated their bed. Joseph was cuddled in Safiyya's embrace with her cheek on his head. They looked so peaceful sleeping together like that.

A strange feeling grew in Alfred's heart and he placed his hand on his chest wondering what was happening. How can someone sleep so peacefully in a new house while he who had lived here for years, finds it hard to sleep?

At least, Joseph gets to sleep. He sighed and went back to his room.

Her alarm rang and her eyes slowly fluttered open. Safiyya squinted at the unfamiliar room before registering where she was. She looked down and Joseph's warm arms were still around her.

"It's not a dream," she muttered and smiled down at Joseph. She carefully removed his hands and got off the bed. Rubbing her sleepy eyes first and muttering some dua, she walked to the bathroom and performed her wudu.

Safiyya opened the closet and took out her praying mat and hijab. She spread it and prayed fajr. She sat down reciting her supplications and her mind couldn't help but wonder about Alfred. Did he pray or not? Did he even pray often?

Safiyya pursed her lips and leaned on the bed. Closing her eyes, she prayed for everything that came into her mind and today, the man who is now her supposed husband was part of it. She prayed that he sees the light, be a practicing Muslim, and be proud of being one.

Scrolling through her phone, she opened the Quran app in her phone and started reciting the ayahs. Time went on and she later prayed two rakaahs.

Safiyya just said the salam when she heard whimpering on the bed. She snapped her head to Joseph and he was tapping the bed calling out to her.

"Yousef," she gently shook him. His eyes opened and smiled at him. He sat up and she embraced him warmly.
"I thought that you left," he muttered and she held him back and pouted. "You trust your mummy right?" she asked and he nodded. "Then I'll never leave you," she smiled and kissed his nose. "Good morning."

"Good morning mummy," Joseph returned and made a superhero post. "I slept well yesterday and look how strong I became,"

"Very strong, " she chuckled and told him to wait. She ambled to the large window beside the toy rack and pulled the curtain aside, then the glasses. Sunlight shone into the room bringing its warmth in.

"Now that's better," she smiled and Joseph ran toward her. He hummed and glanced up at her. "My mummy is so beautiful," Of course, the sun illuminated her skin and eyes.

Safiyya gasped and turned to Joseph. "You are sweet-talking your mummy, aren't you?"

"It's the truth, " he gave her an innocent smile. "Let's watch the sun," he suggested and she nodded. They sat down quietly enjoying the morning sun bath.

Joseph spread his legs lazily and a yawn escaped his lips, making Safiyya glance at his cuteness.
"I feel like staying here forever," he wished.

"Oh I wish so too Yousef but we have a long day ahead," she said with a shrug.

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