"Mom..?" Eisha shouted uncertainty.
Silence, only a distant echo reminded of itself with a response, quiet copying. Eisha walked a little deeper into the cave and repeated:
Again just an echo. Desperate, Eisha turned around with a sigh. The clouds thickened and the sky began to rain. Noticing this, the girl shook her head and entered the cave. Quietly walking into the abyss of darkness, she tried to understand where she had missed. Maybe she took a wrong turn? Or is it the wrong cave? Wrong side of the mountain? Why isn't Iona here? It seemed to Eisha that the only adequate way to wait out the rain was to try again to get into that strange dimension where she saw her mother. Perhaps she will succeed again and she will understand what is wrong, after which she will definitely meet Iona!
-Well, since there are no other options... -Eisha sat down in the middle of a cold cave, a thunderstorm was already raging outside, and occasionally the roar of thunder could be heard in the distance.
Even though it was cool in the cave, this did not stop Eisha from closing her eyes and starting the process of immersion... it didn't work out.
After a couple of seconds of silence, Eisha jumped up and began stomping loudly. Why couldn't she find her mother? She was here, where did she go? Gone? Again? Eisha began to feel hot. Emotions took over and she started screaming throughout the cave:
-Where are you?! Why did you leave me again?! Why did you leave again?!
Eisha's body began to become covered with dark black ash, with every second she resembled herself less and less, and her emotions completely took over.
-For what?! Why?!" Eisha screamed, her fingers had already turned into sharp claws, her short, gray hair into sharp, spiky, black hair.
The cave began to shake under the pressure of chaotic impacts, and stones fell from the ceiling. Eisha completely lost her primary form and became something of a demon. Huge, dark eyes, which consisted of a dozen thin circles that were constantly spinning in different directions, because of which the eyes, even though they were at one point, were actually constantly in motion. The mouth was open, because with fangs of that size it could not close. The girl's whole body, by the way, resembled her eyes in their current form. It also moved chaotically, constantly twitching and never stopping shaking. Every corner of Eishi's body became sharp and sharp, his fingers turned into claws, and his hair into short, sharp spikes. HabitualYomovsky the girl's scream soon turned into an uncontrollable, muffled scream that was constantly at different frequencies. Anger filled her veins, there was only one word in her head, all edges were erased. Raising her head so sharply that she had to arch her back, Eisha screamed at the top of her lungs. The cold floor beneath her cracked and the cave began to collapse. Eisha's body began to become covered in a dark, harsh fire, and something like an aura appeared around her body. The mountain shook when Eisha, being completely covered in the debris of the cave, flew out of it with a powerful bang. Its speed exceeded the speed of sound, and it seemed to be twice as fast.
A bang was heard in the distance. Iona, already about to enter the rift, turned her head in surprise towards the sound. Seeing nothing unusual, she tried to compose herself. Taking a deep breath, exhaling, Iona closed her eyes and stepped forward. With all the cells of her body, she felt like she was being torn apart. The left leg, which was the first to fall into the hole, literally died; Iona stopped feeling it. Despite the pain and fear, Iona understood that there was no turning back. Somehow taking the second step, she began to plunge into the rift. The terrible cold literally cut her skin and tore her blood vessels. The pain was unbearable. Iona screamed, but heard nothing. For a second it seemed to her that she had simply disappeared from the universe, simply leaving the universe. The pain immediately disappeared, as did the feelings and emotions. Before Iona's eyes there was only dazzling green, when suddenly...
"Blood Sign: The Heiress"
ActionThis is the second and final part of the "Blood Sign" story. The main character is trying to find the answer to the main question of her life: Who is she and where did she come from? Although, along the way, a lot more questions will arise, the answ...