Boy's talk

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Once again, we return to the meeting room at the favonius headquarters. the participants from the knights are Jean the acting grandmaster, Amber the Outrider, Kaeya the Cavalry Captain, and Lisa the librarian.

While from the aether side, there was aether itself, rimuru and the last one was emergen-i mean paimon.

Jean: First, thank you traveler for defending mondstadt *smile*

Aether: no-

Lisa: *playful smile* from zero to hero, hm?

Amber: Way to go, aether!

Aether: wai-

Kaeya: on behalf of mondstadt, I thank you.

Aether: what-

while rimuru and paimon...

Paimon: *whispers* What's wrong with them? Weren't you the one who drove the stormterror away?

Rimuru: *whispers* Is that so? I thought it was aether *laughs*

Paimon: *whispers* Don't play dumb! Paimon can feel it. That horrible aura! It makes Paimon freeze to death, geez!

Rimuru: *whispers* hahaha... you're talking nonsense~

Jean: ahem!

As Jean interrupted their small talk, all attention was drawn to Rimuru.

Jean: Traveler... who is this guy?

jean asked aether.

Aether: uhh, he is-

Rimuru: greetings Acting Grandmaster, Jean. my name is rimuru, as for who I am... I'm just a humble traveler who loves to travel across teyvat *smiles at her*

Lisa: *chuckles* ara~ so polite... cutie, want to help lisa?

she winked at rimuru, making rimuru blush slightly. but he quickly brushed it off.

Kaeya: hooo? A humble traveler you say? welcome~

Kaeya said while forming a grin on his mouth for a moment.

Rimuru: Is it just me, but why is this man giving me Guy vibes? mysterious and sneaky...

Ciel: [suggestion: master can use Tempter-]

Rimuru: nu-uhh... it was stupid of me to ask you such a thing

Ciel: [...hmph!]

Jean: I understand. I'm afraid I can't welcome you properly because of what happened before.

Rimuru: no need. I'm enjoying the atmosphere here *smile*

After that, they started the meeting regarding the stormterror attack.

Paimon tried to tell the truth at first, but Rimuru quickly bribed her with Shuna's tiramisu.

hmm? you wonder where he got it from? ahhh, Imaginary Space :)

*3 hours later*

The meeting ended with the conclusion that they would investigate the temple of the four winds.

Currently, Rimuru, Paimon, and Aether were resting in the inn.

Aether: ahhh... we have to get ready in 20 minutes, paimon...

Paimon: ye....ahhh~ *zzz*

on the bed, lay this little creature. the only one who emerge-i mean aether's guide. Paimon!

:^ she's sleeping, better not disturb her...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

A second later, Rimuru entered the room.

Aether: Rimuru?

Rimuru: hey, so... can we talk for a minute?

Aether: Sure...?

The two of them left the room, and went for a walk.

Rimuru: So... can you tell me more about your sister?

Aether's face turned serious after mentioning his sister.

Aether: Well... she's cute. A caring person... *pause* she always puts others before herself. selfish, you could say. stubborn-she.. she.. is my sister

Rimuru: ...I understand, it must be hard to lose someone you love, huh? I can feel it.

Aether: Hmm? Do you also have a loved one, rimuru?

As if there was a crack in the window, Rimuru's heart sank a little just thinking about her.

Rimuru: Of course, I lost the person who was destined for me... in front of my eyes...

Aether: ...

Rimuru: But hey! Because of that, I met new friends... and formed a new family... all thanks to her.

Aether: I'm sorry.

Rimuru: *chuckle* No need. it's all in the past. we can't keep dwelling on the past, right?

Aether: I envy you, Rimuru. you're so optimistic. it's like you can read what's going to happen and easily avoid unwanted things...

Rimuru: is that so? *laughs* I'm not that strong, you know?

Aether: say the person who drove the dragon away and got me into this trouble *laughs*

Rimuru: no hard feelings, buddy *laughs* you're the protagonist here *nudges his shoulder*

Aether: heh...

Ciel: [master...]

Rimuru: huh?

Ciel: [after analyzing Aether's description of his sister, there is no doubt that-]

Rimuru: No! Nonono... don't spoiler!

Ciel: [then I'll transfer the information-]

Rimuru: oi!! stop that before I downgrade you to Raphael! *frowns*

Ciel: [...heh, just kidding *laughs*]

Aether: rimuru? Are you okay?

Rimuru: ehh? ahh yes! ahahahaha... yes, I'm fine *smile*

As they were walking around the mondstadt, Rimuru accidentally bumped into someone.

???: Aghh!

Rimuru: ughh... *gets up* Are you okay? *lends his hand*

The boy looked up and finally met his nightmare...

???: Awawwawawawawa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! *quickly stands up*

Rimuru: n-no, it's okay... what about you?

???: a-ahh! I'm fine and healthy! hahahaha! it's nothing! I'll take my leave then! *trying to escape*

Aether: wait! aren't you the one I encountered in the forest with paimon?

Rimuru: ohh? really?

???: ahhh... morax, I'll see you up there...



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