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GONE - 3

Dear Issac,

I returned to school today, with my mum's persuasion. You know how she is and how she has to get her way. I took a couple of days off for you when you left because I needed time to cry. To pour my heart out to myself without getting judged by anyone.

The looks I'd get if I showed up in a pair of joggers and a bun. Don't even get me started. 

You always told me that appearance didn't matter and that I'd look beautiful in a bin bag. I'd always laugh at you with a hint of a blush on my face and would tell you to stop being silly. I wouldn't look good in a bin bag, you would.

People like me, we need things to conceal ourselves from the world. They don't understand how difficult it is to be constantly judged or to constantly have to maintain a standard but we do it anyway, we try to look nice to shut them up.

So I applied my concealer and waterproof mascara - so it wouldn't run when I went to cry in the bathroom - and held my head as high as I possibly could. How high could you raise it if your boyfriend left you and you didn't have the answers to everyone's questions?

I didn't have anything to say to them apart from a glare and 'get a life' before walking away to class so I could get away from everyone as soon as possible.

If you were here, there'd be no questions. Everyone would just either stare at you or throw looks at me but it was okay because we were together. 

You've left me alone and I hate you for that but I can't deny my love for you either.

Every time.

* * *

Author's Note: What do you think so far? 

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