Chapter Thirty

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Ignorance is Bliss

Chapter Thirty 

I lay still- listening, waiting. There’s nothing left for me to do, really. It’s dark, and cold. But, there’s nothing to cover myself with. So, I try to focus more on my breathing rather than my bruised body. 

But, I do ache. The bruises and cuts that covered me pounded in sync with my heartbeat. This, ironically, was my only measure of time, here. 

So far, it’s been one thousand three hundred sixty-four beats since Tobi’s left me alone. 

I was scared. Tired. Hungry. And, stuck. Here; with the Akatsuki. 

Where was Deidara?

“He’s not coming for you,” a voice says, making me jump. But, even in the dark, I can see a faint glow- the same meticulous eyes that Tobi sported. Only, there were two, not just one. “Deidara doesn’t even know where you are.”

“Will you help me, then?” My voice seems childlike, even to me; naïve, almost- pleading with the unknown stranger. 


I frown, scowling into the darkness. I should’ve known better than to have asked. And, once again, my naivety shows through, much to my own dismay. 

When will I learn?

“He won’t kill you. He has no reason to.” 

My frown grows deeper. I know nothing, I am nothing. What is there to even want from me? My teeth dig into my busted lip, making me instantly realize why that was a bad idea. 

“Who are you?”

There’s a moment of silence before he speaks, again, as if contemplating an answer. Or, rather, if to answer me at all. But, he does finally give me one. 

“Deplorable. But, aren’t we all?”

My brows furrow. And, even without light, I know he’s gone. For, the bile in my stomach has settled, and the goose bumps are gone. 

But, once again, I am alone. 

~         ~         ~

Hours later, it seems, I feel a light prodding in my cheek. However, my eyes feel as if they’ve been glued shut, making it impossible to open them. My consciousness seems to be swimming in and out, making me head feel heavy. 

“She’s out,” I hear. But, I’m not sure if the whisper is truly there, nor the arms that cradle me. 

“Not yet.”

“This is stupid, hm.”

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