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***(Y/N)'s POV***

"HEROBRINE!!! HEROBRINE!!!" I yelled opening the door and leaning on It feeling the angry mob behind me pounding their fists on the door. A second later I heard two doors barge open and Herobrine teleporting right infront of me, a bit of worry and boredom plastered on his face

"What happened?"

"There's kinda a huge group of mobs after me and-" He helped me up and opened the door, as soon as he did this the mobs froze and Herobrine looked furious

"(Y/N) Is a guest here. If she Is to receive unwanted treatment you will be terminated immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

They nodded and walked away back to guarding the Nether. Herobrine sighed and closed the huge front doors, he looked at me and said "Sorry about that-"

"No It's okay, they're just doing their jobs" I scratched the back of my neck wiping of some blood on my face. We had eyecontact for some seconds before I looked away and said "Well then. I'm gonna go take a shower from this blood on me. Heh... See you... Later?" He just stood there stone faced. I shrugged and started walking away to my bedroom

"Oh-my-god-he-is-so-creepy." I told myself walking in the shower. I usually prefer taking showers than bathes. It's been years since I last sat in a tub full of water. After I washed, I was about to go to my closet and get some clothes but then remembered-. I wanted to call the Enderman but forgot to give him a name! Seriously (Y/N)?! SERIOUSLY!?

I wrapped the towel tight around me, opened the door ever so slightly, knowing the time was late at night, Herobrine must be sleeping, so the coast Is clear.

"Cold-Cold-Cold-Cold" I repetitively said with each step "Cold-Really cold-cold"

After 5 minutes of walking around looking for the Enderman I gave up. Went to Herobrine's throne room and opened the door just popping me head in, not so surprised to see him sitting there with glowing eyes and a straight back.

"Uh- Herobrine?..." I said In a low voice but then remembered he cant hear me. I took my head back in and looked around to see nothing but floor and rooms in this huge palace. Making sure It was secure I put my head back In and yelled

"HEROBRINE!!!" He blinked 3 times before his eyes went into a darker shade, he raised an eyebrow confused looking at my head and wet hair

"Yes (Y/N)? Please come In" He gestured

"Uhm... Can I borrow some clothes?"

His eyes widened, but then realized my state and smirked

"Don't you dare smirk Hero or I will smack you In the face"

He laughed,"My bedroom Is in the Eight floor, you'll know what room It is when you see the door. Take all what you need."

I nodded saying in a low voice "Thanks" and then started running holding my towel, ofcource, running with wet feet and on a crystal clear floor you know what would happen. I slipped and fell on my behind, thankfully the towel was long enough to not bend up. I looked around, got up, wrapped my towel once more harder looking at the spiral staircase, my face fell.

Reaching the fifth floor I was panting but still cold, taking slow steps careful not to fall, until I reached the Eighth floor and saw two large golden doors standing out for the other smaller sized bronze coloured rooms. It looked very intimidating and I gulped, my stomach dropping "Its just a bedroom"

Opening the door slowly my heart beat rising, feeling my towel becoming loose. I grumbled "Stupid towel" enfolding It once more then opened the door just large enough for my to slip in, I found the light switch and closed the door turning around my eyes widened

Golden Throne (Herobrine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now