Cold Nights

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Hey everyone! Thank you for clicking/tapping on this story! Special thanks to @MidnightNinja27 for suggesting it! Enjoy!




Chapter 1-

Cold Nights.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"YEAH YOU BETTER GET OUT OF HERE! AND DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK!" I kicked the dirt at the two griefers who destroyed the roof of my home! They ran away back to the city, "ugh, the things I want to do to them it makes me so mad!!!" I held a flower pot I was suppose to throw at them so hard it broke.

Finally, placing the last block on the upgraded roof of my house, located on a mountain far away from the city, I sat on the roof looking at the lights of the city as the moon rose, took a deep breath then let go with eyes closed, smiling "Done, my house is done"

I'm glad I took a place far from the big cities and towns, I just don't like the other players, for some reason? What did I do to them? Walk on the sidewalk in front of their fancy houses? Seriously? Notch never made a rule that no one can walk on streets in front of peoples houses. Or maybe it's just that I can never 'fit in'.

I heard a bark beneath me, looking down I saw a wolf that was dirty and looked hungry. My eyes widened "Hang on, I'm coming" I said standing up then going down the stairs to the front door, opening it, the wolf tilted its head cutely , I brought a bucket and stepped out closing the door behind me. "Come on boy, were going to get you cleaned up and inside wheres its nice and warm"

He, well it looked like a male, followed me, he must have belonged to someone but has become lost or abandoned. I sat beside the river and started cleaning him up with soap, he barked and wiggled his tail enjoying the bath. "Who would leave you alone?" I giggled drying him off with a wool blanket.

Standing up, looking around the meadow, holding my Iron sword I walked with the wolf back home. Turning on the furnace to cook steak and warm up the house, while it was cooking I sat down on the carpet and started playing with him, scratching his head I noticed he had a white collar "Whats this?" I asked looking at the piece of metal that wrote 'Doug' on it

"So your name's Doug huh? Well mine is (Y/N). Pleased to meet you Doug" I giggled holding him walking back to the kitchen and giving Doug two steak pieces since he was so hungry. I made him a bed and went to sleep after he did.


I was sleeping, having a bad dream, as it seemed since I was turning and hesitating, I saw someone outside staring at me, is that Steve?! I haven't seen him since I meet Notch! And that was a very long time ago! I stood up walking to the window to see It wasn't Steve, It was- It was-


I gasped springing up from the bed panting, Doug came barking and I quickly went to the window and looked around. I sighed, no one, just the sun rising. Doug looked at me confused and I shrugged walking to the bathroom after cleaning the room.

I took a shower and entered my bedroom with a towel, Doug was still there and he titled his head, he must be hungry "Go to the kitchen Doug I'm coming" I chuckled after I rolled my eyes. He nodded and got out of the room, I smiled sighing as I closed the door slowly. Changing into my favorite (F/C) Hoodie and jeans, brushed my (H/C) hair and left it wavy.

I had breakfast with Doug, then went to the forest to get wood since It was in broad daylight, as I was walking I saw a village in the distance. "That's weird, I never saw a village near the forest... Must be a new one" I said to myself, "Come on Doug lets check it out."

We ran to the Village and I exchanged some emeralds for a Diamond sword, It did cost much, but was worth it, all the griefers here should get what they deserve if they try to get to my house again. I decided I wanted to get more emeralds so I ran to the house with Doug and told him to stay here encase anyone comes, I grabbed my pickaxe and some wood, food, and of course my INOTE (Ipod xD) with headphones.

I held the pickaxe staring into the cave hearing sizzles and groans from zombies, I gulped, but walked in. Thankfully, nothing was there, only various ores the deeper I went, putting my INOTE on shuffle I was lip syncing to the songs, but then I heard something, weird. I stopped the music and looked around, nothing. I shrugged then continued to mine, hearing blocks being placed, quickly pulling my headphones out looking around noticing no difference, "What the?"

I left my headphones out and continued to mine Iron, keeping my sword on my back, but nothing came, no sound was made only from the clashing of my pickaxe and the Iron ore. I cleared my throat tired, one stack of Iron ore, one stack of coal, 3 emeralds, 30 pieces of Lapis Lazuli, 2 stacks of redstone and some gold. Opened a water bottle starting to drink, I cleared my face of sweat and dirt and tied my hair low. Deciding to finish and come tomorrow I got up, started walking up the stairs I heard more steps, I gasped shifting back, squinted my eyes and hummed. Turned around and saw a pair of white eyes right in front of me making me lose balance and fall on the stairs being knocked out.


Feeling licks on my face and barks, I started rubbing my head, my bedroom? W-What?

I looked my hand and blood was there. I screamed wrapping a white cloth around it and running to the hospital in the city, feeling weary and out of breath when I was ahead of it, I started seeing double, a nurse in the reception furrowed her eyebrows through the glass staring at me. I fainted after seeing her rush towards me with 5 other nurses and doctors.


I groaned trying to open my eyes, but a white light shone on them,

"Oh your awake! Good morning madam...?" A bright yet deep voice greeted me moving the light

"(Y/N)... (Y/First/N) (Y/Last/N)"

"Well, (Y/N), you had a very deep cut in your head. We cleaned it and stitched your scalp, no other injuries. Your good to go if you want now actually" The doctor said, I nodded sitting up. "How did you get the opening?"

"Uhm, I, I fell on the stairs when I went mining"

"Oh, you should really be careful around stairs, you were alone?"

"Yeah, I- think so?"

He chuckled "Take care (Y/N). Come at anytime if you fell too much pain okay?" I nodded thanking him then I went to the reception to take my receipt then walked out. While I was in the city why not go to buy some things for the house?

Strolling to the Super Market I bought some food for Doug and me, thankfully I had all my mining material with me so I had plenty to pay with, I also bought some books from the library. Entering the house, Doug jumped on me joyfully making me take steps back laughing

"Doug please! I don't need to fall and break my head again crazy!" Then I noticed he was staring at the bag of goods I bought

"You want the food more than me?! Seriously Doug that's low man, that's low." I laughed joking, giving him a dog biscuit and left him in the kitchen playing with a toy I bought for him.

I took out the books I bought and put then on my book shelf, but froze when I held a brown leather one. When did I buy this? hm, the librarian must have thought it was for me.

I sat down near the fire for warmth, as the night kicked in. Doug fell asleep beside me and I held the brown book, facing the front, my eyes widened...


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