Tears and Comfort

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Armaan pov:-

Today was a day filled with contrasts. I finally got to see Khwaahish after what felt like an eternity, but I could also sense the longing in her eyes. It pained me to see her like this, and it made me realize that my priorities had been skewed lately.

I had been swamped with work, and it had taken me away from the person who meant the world to me. Khwaahish wanted to spend time together, to bridge the distance that had grown between us due to my busy schedule. But I couldn't give her the attention she deserved, and it was tearing me apart.

I knew she was going through a tough time, feeling neglected and alone. The ache in her eyes was a silent plea for my presence, my love, and my undivided attention. She was going mad with the desire to be with me, and it hurt me deeply to know that I had contributed to her pain.

As much as I longed to be with her, I also understood the importance of completing the work at hand. I wanted to clear my responsibilities so that I could be fully present with her, to embrace her with all the love she deserved.

Tonight, I promised myself, I would make it up to her. Our love was strong enough to withstand the trials of time, but it was also fragile enough to be hurt by neglect. I had to find a balance, a way to be there for Khwaahish without compromising my professional commitments. Our love was worth every effort, and I was determined to prove that to her.

Silently, I entered Khwaahish's room after a long day of work. I had missed her terribly, and the sight of her sleeping form stirred a mix of emotions within me. I could tell she had been crying, and it hurt to think that she had shed tears in my absence.

I left briefly to change into comfortable attire, knowing that what she needed most was my presence and my love. Returning to her room, I found her still asleep, her face marked by traces of tears.

Without a word, I slipped into her bed, trying not to wake her. I knew she needed comfort, and I was determined to provide it. Gently, I slid my hand around her waist, feeling her flinch at my touch, but she didn't pull away.

Nuzzling my face into her neck, I took in the scent of her hair, feeling her body relax ever so slightly. Her deep breaths told me that she was awake but still pretending to sleep. I pulled her closer to me, enveloping her in my arms, offering the warmth and comfort she so desperately needed.

I could sense her tears, the silent sobs that shook her frame. It was heartbreaking to know that she had been crying alone, and I wished I could erase her pain. All I could do now was hold her, offering my silent support and love.

In that moment, our embrace spoke volumes, conveying the depth of our love and the solace we found in each other's arms. I would be there for her, to heal her wounds, wipe away her tears, and make up for the moments I had missed. Our love would prevail, stronger than any obstacle that life threw our way.

As I held Khwaahish in my arms, I didn't utter a word. Sometimes, words weren't enough to heal wounds; what she needed was my presence, my embrace, my love. I ran my fingers through her hair, soothingly, gently rubbing her back.

Her cries, previously silent, broke free, and she clung to me, her sobs wracking her body. It was painful to see her like this, to know that she had been carrying her sorrow alone in my absence.

Tears welled up in my own eyes as I held her close, absorbing her pain, and offering her the solace she sought. In that moment, our connection was deeper than words could express. Our hearts beat in unison, and I vowed to myself that I would never let her feel alone again.

Her tears were a testament to the love we shared, and I knew that together, we could conquer any hardship that came our way. We had each other, and that was all that mattered.

After what seemed like an eternity, Khwaahish slowly lifted her head to meet my gaze. Her eyes, still moist from tears, held a mixture of emotions—relief, longing, and a hint of accusation.

I brushed away the lingering tears on her cheeks and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, a silent reassurance of my presence and love. She might not have spoken, but I understood. Her actions spoke volumes, conveying her need for comfort and affection.

Concerned about her well-being, I inquired about whether she had eaten. In response, she shook her head and attempted to mimic my stern expression. It was her way of subtly blaming me for not being there when she needed me.

I sighed, understanding her silent reproach. It was true; I had been preoccupied with work, leaving her feeling neglected. I couldn't undo the past, but I could certainly make amends in the present. I decided that from that moment on, I would make sure she never felt alone or neglected again.

I rose from the bed and uncovered the plate of food I had brought earlier. Sitting down beside her, I gently offered her a bite. She ate in silence, but there was a slight softening in her eyes, a subtle shift in her demeanor that hinted at forgiveness and understanding.

As she ate, I couldn't help but be captivated by her, bathed in the soft, silvery glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. She was my moonlight, the source of brightness in my life, and I vowed to never let her be overshadowed by the darkness of my work again.

After the meal, we lay down together, wrapped in each other's arms, finding solace in the comforting presence of the other. The night was still and serene, and as I gazed at the moon outside, I knew that together, we could weather any storm that life might throw our way.

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