Chapter 5~

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{So I may have made a mistake in the third chapter, as Travis saying Sal is gay, even tho he isn't, as he is bisexual. So I would like to apologise for all them mistakes, as I was tired and didn't really think much of it at the time. Also, this Travis isn't too much like the actually Travis, as I made him different. Because, why not? Also, this is after the note, and Sal's talk with Travis in the bathrooms. So Travis knows him a bit more than usual. Anyways, enjoy, and I'll try to make it easier than the last two chapters.}

Warnings ⬇️:
Gayness, (boy x boy, and girl x girl)
Bad grammar,
Bad spelling,
Mistakes (a lot I would say)
Blood (I know there is for this one)

And enjoy~

{Mika's Pov}

I dashed into the forest, after hearing the sudden rustle of something. The teachers said there shouldn't be things in there, but they were unsure at the comment.

I stopped and stared at them. It was only Sal, who seemed to be hurt. Next to them, was an animal.

"Oh my- Sal, are you okay?!" Mika gasped, sitting down beside him.
Travis soon came, looking at us both, then saw Sal was injured of some sort.

Sal was bleeding, his arm I'm guessing. His clothes had blood stains on it too, but as I looked closer, the animal, which was a cat, was bleeding too! But badly, worse than Sal.

"I'm fine- but this cat isn't. Do you think you can find bandages, or a first aid kit somewhere?" Sal asked, and I nodded.

"I'll get it, Trav, stay here. Keep Sal company at least. If your not here when I come back, I'm giving you a dig in the stomach. So stay here, dipshit." And I ran off, winking at Travis as I left. He put his middle finger up at me, and gave me a look. I laughed, and turned my head, as I was probably going to fall if I didn't.

[Travis's Pov]

It was quiet, as we just had nothing to talk about. I was feeling a bit warm, but didn't want to take off my jumper. Sal yawned, he must have felt tired. But how, as he slept for most of the trip over..
Sal looked over at me, and he poked me. I looked down at him, as he is quite short.

"Can we talk? Your so quiet- and you look sweating, take off the jumper Travis.." Sal pointed out, and I shook my head. The heat was getting to me, but as I had bruises and marks under it, I didn't want Sal to pity me.

"Take it off, now. Or I'll do it." Sal said, and when I didn't answer, he grabbed my sleeve, tugging it. The animal hopped off him, and sat somewhere near, watching this, like it was a movie.

"That's it, I'm taking it off you. You look very warm, so there." Sal said, then he rises my arms, getting the jumper off somehow. I tried moving, trying to get him to stop. He was on top of me, as I was taller than him.

|•Yeah, I don't know how to explain how he is, but tallness will do•|

He stopped moving, then stared at the marks and scar and whatever was on me. I turned my head to the side, feeling embarrassed, and frustrated. He placed his hand on my cheek, moving my head back around to face him.

"What is this? What- actually, why do you cover them? They aren't scary or anything." Sal smiled, which made my heart beat so hard. I didn't want to move him off me, as for once in a long time, I felt comfortable with someone. I was feeling tired, and moved him around, his back against my stomach around. He looked up at me, then grinned.

"Don't get used to this sallyface. I'm just tired, that's all." I grunted, then turned a shade of red. His face was pink, and he turned his head around, to face the opposite direction. I wrapped my arms around him, not even realising what I was doing.

|•I know thats gay asf, but let me be, as it's tired Travis•|

{Sal's Pov}

I was resting my head on Travis, as he had his arms wrapped around me, not letting me go. I didn't want to wake him up, because no one wants a grumpy Travis. I felt my face getting hotter, and my stomach had butterflies flying around in it.

I heard running, guessing it was Mika coming back with the stuff. I looked up, to see Maple, and Mika was stumbling behind her.

"What's wrong with Mika? Is she alright?" I looked around, to see Mika hurt. I gasped, and Mika turned her head away, not saying anything. If Travis woke up, he would be furious.

"I'll explain-n, I guess.." Mika muttered, sitting down beside me. I was curious of what happened, as she had a black eye already, when it had only been 30 minutes or something.

"Well, when I was getting the first aid kit, someone pushed me from behind. I looked up to see.. uhh, rather not say, as I forgot who it was, haha- but he punched me in the face, while pinning me against a wall. I kicked him in the stomach, which I regretted straight after. He had enough, and punched me into the stomach, and I fell to the floor, my legs couldn't stand anymore. He beat the shot out of me, but I'm fine now, as that was 10 minutes ago." She explained, then stared at the floor, smiling for some weird reason.

"Ima clean up the cat, as your occupied at the moment. And after, I'll give you the stuff you need, as Mika needs help cleaning herself up too." Maple suggested, and Mika shook her head.

"There isn't enough for all of us, as I have too much shit to cover up, so don't bother with me." Mika said, but Maple disagreed.

"You need to be cleaned up, or your going to be worse. Look, Sal can clean himself up back at their tent, because I have stuff with me. Your not saying no Mika. Is that alright with you Sal?" Maple asked Sal, politely.

I nodded, and I heard Mika groan. Travis started to move, as one of his hands moved onto my chest. Mika giggled, and Maple nudged her to stop. Maple finished helping the cat, then looked at me.

"You should probably wake him up, as we are almost done. I have realised that Mika doesn't have enough for all her injuries. But at least she is covered the most obvious ones!" Maples grinned, then picked up the cat, who started to purr.

I turned around my head, blowing in Travis's ear. He started fidgeting after I stopped, and pulled me in closer to him. I felt myself going more red by the second.

"Travis?.. wake up.." I whispered into his ear, who groaned. He started to open his eyes, and our faces were so close to each other. I felt his breath against my face. He turned red, and I felt myself go red too. Then he looked away, moving his head away from me.

"So?~ How's was your boyfriend's nap, Sal?" Mika giggled, and I turned as red as a tomato. Travis moved me off of him, then got up. He stretched, then he stopped suddenly.

"Why the fuck do you have bandages on?! What fucking happened?" Travis shouted at Mika, who stood up.

"It's nothing, you dickhead. And also, clam the fuck down, your scaring the cat." Mika muttered, but Travis heard what she said alright.

We decided to leave, as Mika and I still had to get cleaned up. Travis started up a conversation with Mika, who were up ahead. I sighed, still a bit red. We decided to split up, me with Travis and Maple and Mika together. I remembered I had bandages back at the tent, so I told Maple we were fine. They said goodbye, and me and Travis were left alone. For now at least.

|•Lots of words used there! 1300 and smth!!! Hope you enjoyed that chapter, and I'll see y'all in the next one!•|

If you love this one, make sure to check out my friend's one called {Blue is the colour of love}, which is also salvis! It's better if you prefer the game, and not someone's au. So, have a great day, and I hope y'all drink water and eat. Bye for now!!~

Words used: 1446 words.

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