^Chapter 6^

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{I'm going to fix the mistakes in chapter 4 and 5, bc I'm guessing there is going to be a LOT there, so it may say: (story name) has a new chapter,' but it's just me fixing mistakes- I don't know if that is how it works but you know.. anyways, check out my friend's, which is called : {Blue is the colour of love}' bc it has better sallyface related stuff in it than what I have done so far! So enjoy, and here are some warnings}

Warning ⬇️:
Bad grammar!
Bad spelling~
Gayness (a load of it)
Blood (I think so)
Swear words (yes, I'm sure about that)
Other ones I forgot the name of.


[Travis's PoV]

I just wanted to go back to the tent, but we had to meet someone along the way. It was Larry, Sal's best friend, and his first I would say. Larry kept giving me glares, trying to scare me off. Like that would work. I could have left Sal, but with what happened to Mik, I'd rather not.

The cat was with Maple and Mika, as it 'loved' Maple. I think that broke Sal's heart, but who cares.


"So Sal, did Travis ever say his friend is a bitch?" Larry rises his voice at the last word, making sure I heard it loud and clear. Sal looked confused, then turned to me.

"Who is he talking about, Travis?" Sal asked, but I moved past him. I clenched my fists, tight.

"Shut up about her, you prick" Travis gritted his teeth. Larry laughed, and couldn't stop.

{Just to say, Travis and Mika are like siblings, as this is clearly a SALVIS ship. And yes, she knows about Kenneth, as she walked in on it one day. It will be mentioned more into the story, so don't worry about the other things yet}

{Mika's pov}

Maple said that she didn't trust Sal saying he had more bandages, so she sent me out to get him, while she fed the cat. I was skipping through the grass, even though my stomach was still hurting.

I bashed into the back of someone, then looked up to see Sal. I waved, as I knew this would be an easier job than I thought. He looked like he was panicking. That's when I looked around him, to see a bruised Travis. I dropped my kit, and rushed over to the boys.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed, standing in the middle of them, as Sal shouted something at me. I was guessing he was saying get off something, but I turned round to see Larry's fist, punching me in the face. (She didn't see the punching in face part- but you get it).

I fell to the floor from the impact of it. Larry gasped, then started to apologise. I touched my nose, feeling blood drip from it. Great, it started again. Travis kept standing in his place. I saw Audrey, rushing through the crowd, (yes, a crowd was watching, bc they saw the drama). I got up with Sal's help. I walked over to Larry, and looked up at him, as he was taller than me.

"Damn, the force you used on that, you really wanted to hurt Travis. But, do you ever realised what damage you would have caused? Hmm, let me think.. Sal would have shouted at you. I would have been fucking mad. And also, before you try and hurt my friends again, I'll give you a dig in the stomach. Now leave, you piece of shit." I said, as calmly as I could. Larry turned round, and walked off. As he turned, I saw his eyes on me, pissed looking ones.

{Ikr my friend is gonna be livid at me, but like, Mika as a character doesn't like Larry very much, until she eventually seems to like him towards the end. Mika only says stuff like that when her friends are hurt, especially her girlfriend. So, sorry to the Larry fans out there, it's just Mika's character!!}

[Audrey's Pov, bc why not]

I stood there in shock at the sight. I ran over to Mika, hugging her. She hugged me back, then pushed me away, covering her nose. I'm guessing she didn't want to get blood on me. Her nose was still bleeding, so Sal took a plaster out from the first aid kit that was left on the floor. Travis walked over to me, then stopped in front of me, showing a signal to talk somewhere else.

"I need to talk to Travis somewhere else, Sal, could you mind Mika for me? As I don't want her to get hurt again." I asked, and Sal nodded. Mika gave me a look, then continued talking to Sal.

Travis pointed behind the toilet stalls, and I agreed. We walked over there, not saying a word to each other. Once we got there, Travis just started talking like there was no tomorrow.

"Ok- I brought you her because I'm worried. I'm worried for Mika. Some random guy attacked her, and she won't say who. She also is pretty bruised from him, and I'm telling you this because, you know, you two are in a romantic relationship. So, can you try and get her to talk? Like tell us who it is? Because I don't want them randomly attacking her again, and we aren't there." I stared at the floor.

{Omg, Travis being worried for once 💀}

It wasn't like I didn't see the marks and bruises, but I swear, if it's him, she is dead. I nodded, not saying a word. Then I looked round the corner, to hear teachers calling us in for something.

"Come on, let's go." I said, and Travis left first, dashing over there. I followed, as I didn't want to be lost or last there.

I just hope it wasn't him

I hope it isn't, or she is going to be hurt, much much worse.

This is a warning, the warning for something bad to happen...

{As you may have forgotten, Audrey is Mika's girlfriend. They didn't make a huge announcement about it, as that is stupid. Instead, they just did couple stuff in public, if they were comfortable. So, some many not know, but others tease them sometimes, saying they are (blah blah blah). So I hope you enjoyed that! And I'll see you all in the next one! Bye broskies, and girlskies.}

Words used: 1128 words
{Editing here, so the word count is changing because it isn't right and also the last sentence means like that attack on Mika was a warning to her, not like Audrey or anyone else, that's what Audrey meant. So yeah, sorry about that}

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