Dear my precious inner child

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Dear my precious inner child,

I want you to know that by this time, I'm not trying to find their validation anymore.

I'm not going to melt when they ask me if already eaten.

I'm not going to let them know how broken or happy am I the moment they ask me.

All I wanted right now was to live my life without their intervention. I just want them to treat me just like they did before. I want them to treat me like yeah, I'm not worth it.

I'm sorry but I feel disgusting whenever they try to prove that they care about me when they already break me. They should do all those 'loving things' when my brain just wants to start to learn any acts and feelings that people show me.

We can find our light and peace on our own. I love you so much and I never blame you for what happening right now coz I know that you are just an innocent child when all those things started.

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