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If I saw a kid crying, I'd go to them and hug them instantly.


If I saw like adult crying, I wouldn't budge unless I knew the reasons or I saw that they got humiliated.

I don't give a shit if people telling me pampered a kid might make them turn their back on me one day.
I don't get pampered and I still turn my back to them.

I'm not going to ask kids to figure all things out by themself. I'll at least help them a little.

I might be mean to people who are older than me coz I needed to figure out everything by myself since I was a child til now so I don't understand why aren't you doing the same.

Do not tell me that I'm different or I'm capable, I'm just fucking a kid when I realized that imperfect gives me a lot of hate and perfect doesn't gives me some love.

Inner child voices, childhood trauma aftermath.Where stories live. Discover now