38 (you're beautiful just the way you're )

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Dear my precious inner child,

I know you are still hurt about how they destroyed your self-esteem,

A lot of people telling you that you are beautiful like genuinely,

She's the only one who denied it,

I know that you listen to her instead of the majority coz,

She's the one who is supposed to support you,

I am not mad when you can't accept any compliments from our friends and strangers,

That's fine, I  know you don't trust people easily,

But please trust me,

We grew up together so I observe you most of the time,

Do you remember when you were in primary school?

The teacher asked you if you dye your hair coz she had never seen like pure Malay girl have such a hair color,

Do you remember that she called our mother coz she didn't believe you?

Do you remember during high school when you had just transferred to a new school,

I remember that you were studying at Musolla at that time and you just kept your head down focusing on the book and your hair just covering your face,

I clearly remember the way they look at us when I lift my head,

Our friends and even seniors looked amazed followed by the same question,

Do you dye your hair?

They say your hair just reminds them of Barbie and they never saw a Malay girl with such light brown color hair, I mean that is our natural hair color.

I remember one of our friends kind of flustered coz our hair was brighter than her,

Like we took her spot when we arrived there,

People pay more attention to our hair instead of her,

People are always mistaken when they see us when we are just about 6 years old, they say we look like English people,

Our natural hair color doesn't look the same as our parents,

Your big brother and little sister also have the same hair color as you,

No one in our big family has the same hair color as the three of us.

Baby, you are beautiful.

I don't know where we got that genetic but you're really pretty,

Some more, baby you got a dimple on your right cheek,

Your little sister got the dimple too,

Again, our parents don't have a dimple,

You're gorgeous,

You and your siblings have such  amazing traits in your genes,

You look so mature when you're cold,

Yet your smile is so charming,

Like dude, you're amazing,

People don't lie to you,

They meant it,

I meant it,

Whoever denies it, they're just jealous of you like for real but, to be honest, she's the only one who said that hurtful words to us.

I'm so proud of you coz you don't use your privilege to play with some guy's heart,

The fact that you have never been involved in any romantic relationship,

The fact that you just reject them right away without giving such a fake hope to them,

You're so mature like no one can destroy you at this rate.

Inner child voices, childhood trauma aftermath.Where stories live. Discover now