Bonds of family part 2

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A few days after camila meet with alejandro

Carlos Montero sat on an old wooden bench, worn and weathered by the years, just like him. The tobacco fields stretched out before him, endless rows of green leaves bathed in the fading orange light of the setting sun. It was a sight that had brought him comfort countless times before, but now it only filled him with regret.

 "He...he didn't want to come back," camila said, her voice cracking slightly.

"Lo siento," Camila whispered. "I tried, Papá, I really did."

The weight of Camila's words pressed down on Carlos' chest. He knew his harsh treatment of Alejandro had led to this moment. Memories flashed through his mind - shouting at Alejandro for not being strong enough, berating him for focusing on his studies instead of learning to defend the family, disregarding his achievements as a scientist. Carlos clenched his fists as he felt memories surging.

"Listen carefully, Alejandro," Carlos said gravely, his voice dripping with authority and command. He extended the cold steel of the gun toward Alejandro, who stood by Camila, his eyes wide with apprehension. "This is what it takes to protect our family, our people. Do it."

Camila remained stoic, her gaze unwavering as it fixed on the trembling man before them. She did not see eye to eye with her father on executing prisoners, but her silence spoke louder than words. Alejandro's face, however, portrayed the torment within him. His slender frame quivered with uncertainty, and the gun wavered in his hand as he aimed it at the soldier.

"Papa, this... this isn't right," Alejandro whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "We can't just... I can't..."

"¡Cobarde!" Carlos sneered, snatching the gun from his son's trembling grasp and delivering a sharp punch to Alejandro's stomach. The young man crumpled to the ground, tears streaming down his face as the other guerrillas surrounding them erupted in cruel laughter and jeers.

"¡Basta ya!" Camila's furious scream finally broke through the tension. She glared at her father, her eyes burning with anger. "You have no right to treat him like this!"

But Alejandro had already scrambled to his feet, and for a brief moment, Carlos locked eyes with his son. Regret flickered within him, but he pushed it aside, his resolve unyielding. Alejandro turned and fled from the scene, disappearing into the dense foliage surrounding the camp.

"¡Alejandro!" Carlos called out, but his voice held a mixture of frustration and disappointment. Camila sprinted after their wayward family member, leaving Carlos alone with the echoes of his decision and the mocking voices of the guerrillas fading in the distance.

"Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, the pain grounding him in the present. He realized that he should have nurtured Alejandro's talents instead of pushing him away, especially considering how his skills could be utilized against Antón's regime. Their enemy was relentless, using advanced technology and weaponry against them, and Alejandro's brilliant mind could have been their secret weapon. Instead, he had turned his back on them all.

The sun had dipped below the Yaran horizon, casting long shadows inside the Monteros' camp. Carlos, his face contorted with anger, stood over Alejandro, who was sitting at the table, his eyes fixed on a stack of books and scientific papers.

"You'll never amount to anything, Alejandro," Carlos sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "All these books, all this nonsense about science, it's a waste of time."

Alejandro lowered his head, his spirit crushed by his father's words. "Papa, please, I just want to learn and make a difference."

Carlos slammed his fist onto the table, causing the books to scatter. "A difference? You think your books will save our family? You're delusional! You're weak, Alejandro, and I won't tolerate it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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