Chapter 24: Prison Break

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During the fight a news chopper was there, and everyone saw the Sinister Six defeat Y/N and Felicia. The citizens were in shock as the people no longer felt safe. Spider-Man and Black Cat got up as they swing off towards Felicia's home. They were both recovering when they heard a knock and Walter answered it and saw Captain George.

Captain George: You, okay?

Y/N: We're fine.

Felicia: Did you know where the villains went?

Captain George: No, we're still looking for them. But I know this. They have all come together... to kill you.

Y/N and Felicia look at him. Suddenly his radio goes off.

Police Officer: Calling all units! We have prisoners breaking out at Ryker's Prison!

Y/N: Do you think this is the villains doing?

Captain George: I don't know. You both rest.

Y/N shakes his head.

Y/N: We're coming.

Captain George: You both just been beaten up.

Felicia: We've been through worst.

Captain George nods as Y/N and Felicia put on their outfits and Captain George gets in his police car and he drives to Ryker's prison while Spider-Man and Felicia swings towards the prison. On a rooftop overlooking the rooftop the Vulture sees Spider-Man and Black Cat arrive. He contacts the Green Goblin.

Vulture: They took the bait.

Green Goblin: Good distract them for as long as you can.

Vulture readies his wings and flies towards the prison as Captain George along with Spider-Man and Black Cat goes to one of the police officers.

Captain George: What happened?

Police Officer 2: It was a coordinated attack. Must've been planned from the outside. Every cell block is breached. We're minutes away from every prisoner in Ryker's walking right up Fifth Avenue.

Spider-Man: Wait here!

Spider-Man and Black Cat swing into the courtyard where the prisoners see them.

Prisoner 1: It's Spider-Man and Black Cat!

Spider-Man and Black Cat begin to fight the prisoners trying get the prison under control. Spider-Man webs one of the prisoners to a wall as Black Cat kicks on to a wall and knocks him out. More prisoners began to fight the two when suddenly lighting hits Spider-Man to a wall. He looks and sees Electro. He flies in the air as he tries to blast Spider-Man, but he avoids it as Black Cat fights the prisoners. Spider-Man swings towards Electro as he avoids his blasts of electricity.

Electro: You're just in time to see the fireworks!

Electro tries to blast Spider-Man as he uses his Spider-Senses to avoids the blasts. Spider-Man tries to web him, but Electro grabs the web, and it shocks Spider-Man and Vulture flies in and grabs Spider-Man and throws him to through the roof as Vulture lands in the prison. Spider-Man gets up.

Spider-Man: Why are you doing this?

Vulture: You separated me from my family and now I'm going to take away everything you love.

Vulture flies in as Spider-Man leaps in the air and goes onto Vulture's back and he makes Vulture crash into the ground. Spider-Man punches him as he hears heavy footsteps, and he looks and sees Carnage. Spider-Man lets Venom take over.

Carnage: We meet again, father.

Venom runs on all four as both Venom and Carnage fight each other. Black Cat finishes fighting the prisoners and she goes into the prison where Venom gets thrown into a wall. Black Cat transformers into her symbiote and Venom and Black Cat punches Carnage as Carnage grabs Symbiote Black Cat leg and throws her. Venom punches Carnage to the ground and hits him on the head. Venom goes back inside Spider-Man's body, and he gets a phone call from Captain George.

Captain George: What's going on in there?

Spider-Man: Just trapped in a prison with all the criminals I put away during my time as Spider-

He is cut off by Doc Ock who grabs him.

Doc Ock: Hello, again.

Spider-Man: Doctor Octavius... can you give me a minute? I was in the middle of a phone call-

Doc Ock throws him, and he gets up.

Spider-Man: Okay, I'll take that as a no.

Electro lands and he blasts the security system, and more prisoners are released.

Doc Ock: Have fun boys.

Electro and Doc Ock leave as Spider-Man starts to fight the prisoners. Black Cat recovers and helps Spider-Man fight the prisoners as some go to the armory and get weapons and riot shields. Spider-man tear the riot shields from the prisoners and throws them at the prisoners. The prisoners who had assault rifles Black Cat used her webs to web them away. Venom then took over and fought the prisoners and they eventually knocked them out. They then see Vulture flying away as Black Cat is grabbed by Doc Ock and is thrown.

Black Cat: Go! I'll handle him.

Spider-Man swings up to the roof only to be grabbed by Vulture. Spider-man webs him in the face and Vulture drops him as Spider-Man swings at Electro and Spider-Man tackles him, but Vulture kicks him off. Vulture lands as Black Cat is thrown up to the roof by Carnage. He is then joined by Rhino, and Doc Ock.

Spider-Man: I only count five, where the Goblin?

Electro smiles.

Spider-Man: What's with the creepy smile?

Vulture: We told you Y/N. We are going to take away everything you love. We were just distracting you.

They then see smoke as Black Cat eyes widen as both Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off to return home. Spider-Man calls Captain George.

Spider-Man: Captain! It was a distraction! They were trying to distract us!

Captain George: I see smoke, what's wrong?

Spider-Man: I don't know Felicia is going towards it as I'm going back home.

Spider-Man hangs up and he hears the Green Goblin chuckle, and he sees him fly off. He reaches his home only to see his home explodes as Spider-Man watches on in shock. Black Cat goes towards the smoke and sees her home in flames. She runs towards the door and kicks it open.

Black Cat: Dad!

She sees Walter on the ground unconscious. She runs over and helps him up as she and him escape the fire. She lays him down and checks him.

Black Cat: Dad?

Walter coughs as Black Cat hugs him.

Walter: I'm okay.

They watch as the flames grow higher, and they hear sirens. With Y/N he watches his entire house crumble to the ground. Once the smoke cleared, he took off his mask and walked over the rubble and saw something. moves the debris and picks it up. It was a burnt picture of his family. In the picture they were all smiling as a tear goes Y/N's face as he drops it. He hears sirens and he webs away as Captain George and a few other police officers arrive and sees the aftermath. Y/N messages Felicia to meet him at her old hideout and she takes Walter, and they leave to meet Y/N. 

The Cheated Spider (Cheater MJ x Cheated Spider-Man x Black Cat)Where stories live. Discover now