Part 44

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Mattheo's POV

"What The Actual Fuck"

I turn around to see Allison storming towards me, well us

"Allison this isn't what it looks like" I say stepping towards her

A tear stream down her face "oh so you weren't just making out with a French girl" she says going right into my face

"Uh" is all that comes out no explanation just an 'uh' fuck Mattheo what is wrong with yourself.

"We are done, don't even think about following me" she says turning away from me

She doesn't really mean that does she?

I reach out and grab her arm "Allie"

"Don't. You. Fucking. Touch. Me"she says swilling her hand away from me

I've really messed this up haven't i?

If she knew what I was really doing maybe she would of had a different reaction.

I can't lose her "Allie"

"Don't call me that, only my friends can" she says walking away

She is my everything

"Princess" I call out to her

She turns and looks at me "Don't. We are done" she says backing away and running

"What was that about" the girl next to me starts

"Don't, just don't speak" I say rubbing my face.

"Well answer my question?" She says beside me

"This" I say pointing at me and her "This was a mistake"

"Don't say that, you know you want me" she says going to my face

I push past her and start running to the main hallway.

I see the fire place light up and then go dull,

She's gone home

I go to turn away but Jake storms over to me.

"What the actual fuck. I trusted you with her and you go ahead and bloody cheat. Your a sick bastard you know that"

"My task" I whisper

"What the fuck are you going on about, you just bloody cheated on my sister who loved you and you start going on about a task. Get your priorities right"

"That was my task" I say looking up at him

"What do you mean, and you better not be lying because my sister has just gone home crying because of you"

"My task was to 'seduce' that girl and kill her. Her parents are traitors they betrayed my father I would never do that to Allie you should know me" I say pleading with him

"Then why were you making out with her?" He starts questioning me

"Because she wasn't talking to me, so I had to bloody drag her and start kissing her" I tell him

"Your in deep shit" he says walking away from me

"I know" I whisper

Allison's POV

I step out of the fire place and the tears just pour down my face.

I can't control it I just keep crying.

He just cheated on me, has he done this before? Why did he do it? Am I not good enough?

Third Person POV

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