Chapter Two: School days

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(A/N Author here just want to say that this chapter is going to be in Barnaby's POV so pls enjoy:D)

I was standing right there. In front of the school gate watching other people my age go in as I walk in I can feel some eyes on me. I took a deep breath and reached to my locker until a teacher tap me on my shoulder.

"Are you Barnaby B. Beagle?" She asked folding her arms.

"y-Yes ma'am I'm am." I replied already feeling nervous.

"Good I need you to come to the principal's office." She said.

"The principal's office...a-am I'm in trouble?" I asked a little worried.

The teacher laughed a little. "No young man your not it just that Mx.Home always like to get to know the new students first before anybody else." She said already walking. "Now come on he waiting for you." She said turning around.

As we walked down in the hallway I can feel people eyes on me thinking that I'm some trouble maker. We stand right there in front of Mx.Home's office door.

"You can go ahead and go in there I need to get my class ready." She said before walking away.

I stand there facing the door my paws started to sweat. I let out a sigh opening the door seeing Mx.Home sitting at his office desk working on some paperwork looking up at me.

"Ah! Barnaby the brand new student." Mx.Home said putting his pen down. "Please have a set." He said pointing at the chair in front of him.

As I sat down I can feel my stomach turning I was getting nervous about being in here it wasn't dark it was the dark color that I'm guessing Mx.Home pick.

"Ok Barnaby....tell me about yourself." Mx.Home said peacefully waiting for me to answer.

" and my mama moved here over the summer..." I said looking down at my knees.

"I see...why do you want to come here?" Mx.Home I can hear their foot tapping under his desk.

"m-My mama wanted me to go here...she said it would be best for me to have a great future." I said slowly looking up at Mx.Home.

"Ok what about your past? Did you have any friends any trouble from your old school?" Mx.Home said they stop taping their foot.

"I just...stay in the background not really making friends...and I was a good student at my old school." I said I look back down to see that my paws were starting to shake a little.

"Am I'm making you uncomfortable?" Mx.Home asked his question caught me off guard.

"I-I'm sorry...what did you say?" I asked feeling my paws shake more.

"See I'm always ask a lot of questions about people and sometimes I don't know when to stop so I asked them if I'm making them uncomfortable. So please tell me am I'm making you uncomfortable Barnaby?" Mx.Home asks again lending a little closer to me the only thing that was stopping him was his desk.

" not really." I said I can feel myself staring to calm down a bit.

"Good. Here's your schedule." Mx.Home said handing me a piece of paper of my schedule for my classes.

"o-Oh! Thank you." I said. As I read through it I have math first.

"You welcome if you need help getting there I can get one of the students to help you." Mx.Home said.

"That would be nice." I said smiling a little.

Mx.Home nodded picking up their office phone calling one of the classrooms. After a while he hang up.

"Alright. Eddie Dear will show you around." Mx.Home said "Your free to leave." They said pointing at the door.

I nodded. "Thank you Mx.Home." I said getting up from the chair and walking to the door.

I closed the door behind and just stand there waiting for that person name named Eddie Dear.

"So your the new student?" I heard a country accent talking to me from my left see him Eddie Dear.

(A/N FINALLY DONE WITH CHAPTER TWO. honestly I really like how this is going and I hope you like it too. Anyways thank you for reading this :3)

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