Chapter 29- Finally Together

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I begged him to stop. He didn't. He kept going until he was satisfied. As he got out of me, he kept grinning, looking at me with a smug look, he had done what he wanted to do. 

He left me naked on the cold grey cement floor, with nothing to cover my cold body. I heard a car pull away. He left. 

I looked around the room, his things were all still in there. I looked down at my body, I barely recognized what his touch had transformed it into. I was still me, Lillian, but he had taken a part of me away. 

I felt terrified, of everything that was about to happen, I felt stuck in a nightmare. I looked down at my neck, for the first time in a few weeks, it didn't have that necklace or the ring. Daniel had taken it, taking with him the last thing keeping me going. For the first time in a while, I didn't have the one thing that made me picture home. I didn't have Rafe with me, that necklace was the last thing that kept me going. 

He would have loved me forever and because of that, I would have been by his side forever. It sounded like this perfect fairy tale in my head but when I opened my eyes, I remembered the nightmare I was stuck in. 

And then, all the panic, anxiety, and fear came out of me. I sobbed loudly, a million tears streaming down my face. I felt my breath get slower, I felt my lungs try and hold on to air. I started hyperventilating. As all of that was going on my mind still wasn't focused on that, it was focused on the fact that now that Daniel had left, I could've left. 

As I struggled to breathe my mind thought of a plan. I was scared to death but I wasn't going to let my emotions get the best of me. I just hoped that Rafe would do something to help me, I knew he would. Regardless I couldn't rely on anyone for this, I had to get myself out of this. Fast. 

I stood up and tried to relax my breathing, by thinking of Rafe. After a few minutes, I regained control of both my mind and body, I tried to forget the things that Daniel had just done to me. I was numb at this point, I just wanted to be in Rafe's arms. 

The feeling was so strange but I felt that if I could see him, the new wounds that Daniel had made in me would all be healed. I looked around the room for something to cover myself with. 

I found a cloth, as disgusting as it was, it was better than being butt naked in an abandoned house. I wrapped my body around with it. I looked around the room, and when my eyes found my phone I gasped in surprise. 

This fucking idiot had left my phone behind. This idiot left my fully charged phone here with me, How could someone be so stupid? I smiled, I couldn't find the strength in me to laugh but inside I was dying at how stupid he was. 

This was going to be much easier than what I expected. 

I quickly got my phone and unlocked it, I saw about a million missed calls. I immediately looked for Rafe's ID on my phone, but as I was about to call him, I thought for a second. I needed to be smart, I needed to push my feelings aside. I immediately understood that in this case, the police were who I should call. 

As I dialed 911 someone immediately picked up. 

"911 what's your emergency?" the woman calmly stated. 

"Hi, my-my name is Lillian Jones. I was golfing with my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend kidnapped me. He did things to me and now he just left me at this abandoned house." I sobbed, saying these things out loud really made it true. 

"Ok Lillian, I'm going to need you to stay calm. What's your boyfriend's name?" she said, her tone seeming slightly alarmed but still collected. 

"Rafe Cameron," I said, trying to suck up my cries and to be quiet. 

"Your ex, what's his name, age, and did he ever do anything bad?" she asked me. 

"His name is Daniel Martinez. He's 20, and well yeah, he has a restraining order, he used to you know hit me," I said, the words struggling to get out of my body. 

"Where are you right now? If you could describe your surroundings" she asked. 

"I'm in this abandoned house just outside Kildare. I don't really know well where," I said. 

"Your ex, was he armed?" she said and I took a deep breath. 

"Yeah, he had a gun, he threatened me with it," I said. 

"One last question ma'am, where is he right now?" she asked me. 

"He left, I don't know where he's headed, but he was in a green SUV," I said and the woman hummed. I heard typing and a panicked discussion. 

"Ok Lillian, I'm going to need you to stay as calm as possible. Help is on its way, we already have cops on the lookout for him. Meanwhile, we have contacted your parents, they will be coming with the cops. I'm going to stay here with you and you can tell me if anything happens," the woman firmly said. 

I nodded and tried to stop my crying, I still felt the anxiety curl inside of me, reminding me of what was really occurring. "How much time is it going to take them?" I whispered. 

"They should be there soon," she said to me and I swallowed. I heard sirens outside the door and immediately stood up from where I was sitting, running outside. I saw a police car through the window. 

"They're here." I said into the phone. 

"Okay perfect. Don't be afraid to call if anything happens. Bye." the lady answered hanging up. I rushed out of this house. Seeing the police gave me the hope that this nightmare could end. 

But as I saw Rafe exiting the police car I was sure the nightmare was over. 

"Lillian," he yelled. He ran towards me, I was barely wearing anything, just that cloth that barely covered everything. 

"Rafe," I whispered. 

Seeing him with a huge alarmed look on his face made me feel sad. But as he ran to me immediately hugging my cold body with his warm one, everything was okay. 

He hugged me so tight, as if his life depended on it, his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him.  

Notes from the author: 

Heyyy! Sorry this chapter is short, but the next one will make up for it. Also I wrote a prologue which will be posted very soon (Tomorrow probably). I want to thank you all for reading, I have noticed that this story is going a little bit slower lately so if you could do me a favor voting, commenting or spreading the story would help me out a lot! 

Thank you so much for reading! 

Love you all so much! X! 

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