Little Update

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been active recently, I have been caught up in school and wasn't able to write. I have decided to do something to make it up to you guys for that. For the past week, I will be editing this book slightly, when I first started writing it I went with the flow and didn't really have a plot in mind, now as I'm sure you would have noticed there is an elaborate plot. The edits will be very slight and there won't be any changes in the storyline, I will also be editing some cringey things I wrote cuz re-reading some chapters pains me sometimes😭

This will be done by the end of the week, from then on you guys will have a new chapter every day until Christmas. Then you will get a new one every 2 days approx. 

I'm so sorry for anyone who was waiting for an update, but if you could do me a favor voting and commenting any thoughts on the book would be so helpful. I'm really interested in knowing your opinions on the book so pls do comment! 

Thank you soso much for all your support!

Love you all so much! XO   

When the Tide Switches - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now