5. Deceptions and Lies*

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DAY 6:
She awoke into pre-dawn darkness. — Dreams?

...Oh yes, the dreams had come!...

Her cheeks flamed at the recollection.

Just like the time before, Seth had skillfully masturbated her to climax. — But this time she had been brazen in her dream, ...LEWD really!
...Before her handsome masseur had had the opportunity to withdraw his fingers from her still-twitching vagina, she had turned to him and languidly murmured, "I want to feel you, Seth."
Sky-blue eyes had looked upon her in surprise.
"I want to feel you," she had slurred, batting sleepy eyelashes, "not just your hand, Seth, ...YOU!"
She had felt very drowsy in her dream. Even so, her aspiration for her fantasy had been for Seth to lay down with her and properly make love to her. But the dream had gone its own way, as dreams are wont to do, it had not quite played out the way she had envisioned it. The execution had been more... clinical.
— Perhaps her medical environment had influenced the tone?

She was not quite sure how it had happened, but beneath her, the bed had parted, and her legs had somehow found themselves supported in what resembled gynecological leg rests. Seth had stood between them fully clothed.
His fingers had stroked her for a while, and then, in her fantastic imagination, she had felt him, felt his hardness rub against her and slowly penetrate, stretching her, pressing against her walls, filling her completely. — It had been the most blissful sensation.
He had pushed into her, deeply, and very gradually retracted almost all the way. Then he had repeated his agonizingly slow thrust over and over again, like the slow drip of Chinese water torture. His motions had been unhurried and very methodical — and she had felt his gaze upon her, as she had responded to his unvarying steady pumping with a grindingly slow buildup of her own tension.

She had felt frustrated by his mechanical, infuriatingly metronomic rhythm. She had longed for excitement, for Seth to take on a more assertive, more red-blooded stance. But her dream lover had remained unimpressive, delivering like an insecure teenager on his first time. In the end it had worked for her, nonetheless. She had reached her orgasm, never feeling his. And, sated, sleep had claimed her fully.

She giggled a little at her embarrassment — it was only a dream after all. Her buttoned-up caregiver would certainly never engage in such completely unprofessional behavior!
Smiling into the dark and blushing a little, she had to admit to herself: Despite those mortifying 'encounters', she really was smitten with the solemn man.

— What time was it?

It was a new day, obviously. And regardless of — or perhaps because of? — this latest round of dreams, she was resolved to try to become friends with her reserved but alluring caregiver. Instinctively she reached for her left wrist. — There was nothing there. Letting her fingers trail around her wrist, her mind kicked into action.

There used to be something there on her wrist, something that she would frequently seek out. Her fingers had expected to come into contact with... a cuff-like thing, ...as wide as her hand.

— Neither the doctors nor Seth wore anything on their arms. Why did her intuition tell her that she should be wearing a... — A what? ...What was she missing?...

It did not matter. Day was breaking and soon Seth would be bringing her breakfast. She intended to be up, showered, and properly attired for the occasion. She would greet him with a smile — and see if she could not engage the enigmatic man in friendly conversation. Perhaps she could get him to warm up a bit, ...maybe even smile? ...like his avatar counterpart?
She scurried out of bed and sent a passing glance at the full-length mirror then stopped and turned. Lifting her night shirt up to her slender thighs she inspected her knees. — Knee surgery!

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