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(unfinished, written 22 march 2023)

First Chapter - A/N

alright, alright I know that you just wanna read the story but hear me out on some warnings and notes real quick.


- Mention of emotional, physical, (child) abuse, as well as manipulation(?)

-Violence/Heavy blood

-All sorts of weapons (guns, blades etc)

- (Fake) Death/ (attempted) murder


1. Despite this mostly being about a murder mystery, there isn't any real character death, as Pink will fake her death.

2. The Diamonds are their "redeemed" selves but have the same personality as before since in the show i think they wiped that when they tried to "redeem" them

3. This takes place around after Pink fakes her death

4. There aren't really any ships since thats not the point of this book, although Blue and Yellow are married so idk.

5. I BEG of you, please listen to the music I put in the backround for each chapter. I dont care if you use spotify, youtube, that dumb discord music bot, open your pc and put it in another tab or use musi. PLEASE listen it to the music I put in the bg, it adds alot i promise.

6. There wont be any chapter updates in a certain schedule I'll update when i feel like it lol

7. Even though this is the most sad thing I think Ill ever write, the ending is happy since I hate sad cliffhanger endings.

8. Characters ages
White Diamond - 26
Blue Diamond - 24
Yellow Diamond - 25
Pink Diamond - 13
Holly Blue agate - 19
Jasper - 15
Blue Pearl - 17
Yellow Pearl - 18
Volleyball - 12 (almost 13)
Spinel - 13
Garnet - 15
Amythest - 14
Pearl - 14

Second Chapter: Gold and Guilt

(Click on the header to see full image, not my art idk who the artist is since i found this on pinterest)


(search up interstellar but it sounds like snowfall slowed 1 hour loop if you cant open the link for some reason)

Decided to make the frist chapter about Jasper and Yellow so enjoy :p

Time: 10:00 PM
Day: Thursday
POV: Third Person

After finishing work, everyone had gone home.
Jasper had finished school hours ago, but she also worked for Yellow Diamond part time ever since Pink had died seemingly. Due to being underage for work she only worked around 4 hours for a pretty good paycheck so Yellow wouldn't get sued. Although, rich people could probably get away with anything, if you just have enough cash. Regardless, the murder case of Pink was still up, She had died over a week ago and it was quite chaotic. Well, she hadn't exactly *died* but she was missing and she was reported dead by a witness, although her body was decomposed so they didnt take it in. It was hard figuring out it all for the detectives but they were trying they're best. Jasper hadn't really thought of it too much, it was pretty sad but she tried to focus on other things. Walking home, the path was still covered in snow, and it was quite hard to see due to the mild fog making everything blurry. Only the path was visible since it had been devoid of snow. Most of the trees were covered in snow too, almost all the stores were closed too, considering how late it was that was no suprise. It felt empty to walk along such deserted paths but there was truly no other way to get home anyway.

What is the point of going home, if no one will ever be there?

POV swicth
Yellow had already arrived to her house, getting the key out of her pockets from her jacket and then using the clear black key to unlock the door infront, going in and locking it behind herself. Blue hadn't heard her coming in, so she stayed in her room, still doing work supposedly. Yellow took off her brown bag and put in the floor, (or rather threw) and put her keys on the counter next to the door.
Yellow just went straight to her room, walking through the halls, maybe she was too loud because Blue quickly realized she had come back. She got up from her chair and left the pen she was holding she was previously holding to sit there, on the table as she took off her glasses and opened her door and looked around for Yellow. Blue didnt see her anywhere so she went for a more obvious choice,
Yellow's room.
Blue walked more slowly and put her hand on the doornob of her door, hesitating whether to open it or not.
Twisting it slowly, the door opened, although Yellow wasn't seemingly doing anything. She hated to waste time, so it was quite rare to see her just stand aimlessly in her room.
"Hello, Yellow."
Yellow snapped out of thinking about something and looked up at Blue,
It was slightly awkward for them to talk to each other after ḩ̶͖̜͕̠̻̩̳̩̩͎͕͂̈́̀̇̃̓e̴͓̙̳͙͍̖̱̬̔̈́̆ͅŗ̸̤̪̯̳͍͈̳̺̖̯̗̺̀͒̊̒̔̕͝ death, since usually, with ḩ̶͖̜͕̠̻̩̳̩̩͎͕͂̈́̀̇̃̓e̴͓̙̳͙͍̖̱̬̔̈́̆ͅŗ̸̤̪̯̳͍͈̳̺̖̯̗̺̀͒̊̒̔̕͝,

Everything tended to have a more light atmosphere. Or maybe they just hadnt talked enough, although maybe it was because of ḩ̶͖̜͕̠̻̩̳̩̩͎͕͂̈́̀̇̃̓e̴͓̙̳͙͍̖̱̬̔̈́̆ͅŗ̸̤̪̯̳͍͈̳̺̖̯̗̺̀͒̊̒̔̕͝
death? Maybe,
Hard to tell.
Regardless that shoudnt stop then from talking with each other, atleast thats what they would tell you.
Blue walked inside of Yellows room abit deeper and sat down on her chair as Yellow sat to the closest place to sit, her bed.
________________________________POV swicth

Jasper went into her kitchen, only to realize she didn't have anything very editable. That meant she had to go to the store, what a drag.
Its not like she didn't have the money, it seemed pointless since most stores were closed.
There was a 24/7 food store nearby, although there wasnt much point in going there, Jasper decided to go there anyway.
Jasper put on the frist coat she saw, and very annoyed forgot to even lock her doors;
She walked down the stairs of her apartment intill she reached the final, or rather frist level.
Exiting it you were greeted by skecthy looking street. The crime rate was pretty moderate too, not very surprising.
Jasper walked through the path trying to find the dumb 24/7 store, walking through anything other the paths was a nightmare since it was all covered in snow.
Walking through those streets at night felt very much like a empty scene from a horror scene.
No wonder  ŝ̵͔̬͔̖͚͖͓̿̔̿̅̆͑̃̒ĥ̶̫͍͎̇͛̊̕͘ē̶̛̜̠͚͉̍  ḑ̶̢̺̼̰̠̫̲́̆͑i̵̡̳͈͋̏͂̚e̵͎̔̑̽̈́̚d̵̳̐́͗̔̎̒̔̌͠.
Maybe it was time to stop thinking about someone she barely knew, but thats what made it feel like such a empty death. But she should stop thinking about that, she went to get food not mourn. Walking around, she was forced through a backalley, it was dark, but she still continued and found the dimly light 24/7 food store.

"How was work?" Blue was trying to start a conversation with Yellow, but Yellow was never very talkative. Every answer she gave felt dry.
"It was fine."
Blue looked down at the floor for a moment trying to think of something, as Yellow felt slightly bad at how hard it felt to talk with someone she saw everyday.
"Did you have dinner?"
Yellow tried to change the aimless subject into an actual conversation.
Blue looked up and shook her head,
"No, do you want to help me make something?"
Yellow got up frist and walked through the hall leaving the door open for Blue to get up a few moments after.
They walked through the hall, as White was sitting in the living room, wacthing some cooking show on TV.
Yellow decided to greet White even if she was kind of in the middle of something.
"Hey White."
White looked over at Yellows direction and smiled warmly "Hello." White looked over back at the TV again.
Blue and Yellow walked into the kitchen together, and Blue looked through the freezer to make something.
Blue pulled out a cold waffle bag from the freezer and swiftly closed it, and placed it on the counter.
"Are we really going to make waffles?"

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