(RE8) grief/All for someone who isn't here

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(unfinished, written 17 july 2023, quick A/N this one isn't a steven universe fan-fiction, this is a resident evil village fan-fiction, i never actually published this one.)

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Started writing Chapter 1: July 3rd 2023
Finished writing: Chapter 1:

Mostly focused on the (lost) humanity of Mother Miranda + her relationship with the lords

(non-romantic obviously, don't @ me)

Quick recap: (insert recap I haven't written yet)

Music: Sensory Deprivation (By: vivivivivi)

Youtube Link for music: https://youtu.be/uDKuvC9FTnw

(On Spotify too)

Warnings: N/A

Takes place while Ethan still hasn't woken up yet (right after Chris takes Rose before the player wakes up)


Chapter 1 - All for someone who isn't here

Miranda sat at her desk as she would, lost in thought. She was as always busy,

and even though she should have been working, experimenting, or doing something.


But she wasn't.

However, she hated to waste time; After all her main goal was to bring back Eva as soon as possible.

It's not like she exactly "wasted" the over 100+ years she had been trying to get her back,

but it's not like she was making a lot of progress. Her getting frustrated at herself for not being faster was common,

but those times she would just distract herself with her work. Now she felt like she hit a wall, where working wouldn't work.

She went over to her desk and took a few papers. She tried to start continuing her work,

but she couldn't, she was psychically stuck there,

frozen for a moment before getting up and standing in the middle of her room, doing nothing.

She didn't feel like this often, but she didn't exactly feel stressed.

Even though it's technically impossible to feel completely neutral, that was all she felt.

Her main goal and top priority was to bring back Eva, but sometimes she forgot why she wanted her back so badly,

there wasn't an exact reason, but she felt incomplete without her. Even if her daughter died at 10, which is an age most would argue isn't enough

to get to know someone well enough, especially not to spend so many years, to take away so many people's lives, to ruin even more,

All for someone who isn't here.

And for someone who might never be.

A part of Miranda already knew that this was hopeless, but she had to keep going to at least tell herself that she tried, that she is trying.

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