OG Human Diamonds AU

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(really old, from written february 11 2023
to march 15 2023.)

Please note that this takes place in era 3, execpt any human gems like Greg or Steven dont exist, and Pink is Alive.
This fanfic also includes violence and blood, murder and angst and sometimes mild swearing in later chapters.

A simple white house that was on a obscure street, it was slightly isolated from the rest on the road since it was surrounded by trees and bushes that might make it hard to see. Still, On the same road there was a school not too far away,some stores and of course, other houses.
7 am Friday

The frist to wake up was White, Beacuse she always wakes up frist

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The frist to wake up was White, Beacuse she
always wakes up frist.
This might seem odd,but White jast likes to wake early and help everyone else get ready (Or rather everyone execpt Yellow since she works at night,as a police officer.) White made Blue and both Spinel and Pink wake up since she had nothing better to do of course.
She made them breakfast since White wacthes Gordan Ramsay too much.
After everyone got ready,they all went to the school previously mentioned, Eastwood Highschool.
Funny enough, Blue worked there as a math teacher. However since today was friday,math was Spinel and Pinks last class, so they wouldnt see Blue for a while. Instead, the frist class they had was Biology. Yes, Spinel and Pink were in the same class. Class hadn't started yet so Pink decided to bother Spinel since why not.
"Spinel,i have a idea for what we can-"
"Uhm Pink cant we talk *after* class?"
"Cant we pass notes or something? You sit right next to me."
"Sure i guess,but your taking the blame if the teacher notices."
"Alright then"

Class started. Unfortunately, the biology teacher was not there,instead everyones least favourite subsite, also known as Pyrope was there.

Pyrope was...not a very good teacher,she never actually taught anything and mostly jast talked about herself and she was pretty strict too.
"There goes your plan for passing notes Pink!" Spinel whispered in a kind of frustrated way.
"You'll never be able to do anything with Pyrope now! Pearl whispered to them behind them.
"Jast great..." But amythest was too loud, and Pyrope shushed them.
Pyrope then went on a long rant about how students never shut up-
"You guys are impossible, your all always talking, and i cant teach anything!"
"Pfft as if she actually teaches anything." It was in a whisper if course but Pyrope heard it anyway.
"Pink, stand up!"
A few of her friends slightly laughed at how dumb this all was, like a joke from a Tv show.
Pink stood up silently.

Pyrope in a very annoyed tone told her;
"I cant belive you would say something like that! Do you even know how much effort i put into coming here, and teaching all you brats?"
"yeah...none" again in a quiet whisper but Pyropes hearing was uncalled for and she made Spinel stand up too.
"Ugh of course you too, stand up spinel."
again, Spinel stood up.
"Both of you are so annoying,you're interrupting my class. Both will go to the principals office for disturbing my office, lets go!"
a few students laughed quietly at that, (Jasper and lapis).
Spinel and Pink followed Pyrope to the principals office, Pyrope opened the door,(well actually slammed it open,) And a very confused principal stood there looking at all of them as they all sat down infront of the Principal.

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