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(unfinished, written from 12 february 2023 to 15 february 2023)

chapter names: Chapter 1 / Fallen Down
Chapter 2 / Shame and Guilt
Chapter 3 / You will never ache like i ache
Chapter 4 / Have you Forgot?
Chapter 5 / Not Ready (lost chapter,never got published)

A.N;[I know that there are 21979292 fanfics or scenarios where Pink comes back,so you might be wondering "Why would i bother even reading this all the way through? Why did you even bother making this??" Well,in every other fanfic i read about Pink coming back,the ending is never truly satisfying,atleast not for me. Secondly, Pinks personality is too inaccurate, so i tried to make this as cannon to the og personalitys as possible. They aren't any ships involved in this, however there is some angst so yeah.]

This takes place right after the final episode of future.

[Steven POV]
I was on the road now,driving away from beach city,i was super excited to be on my own even if i missed the crystal gems,but i could always vist right? The sky was a pale pink color with the sun setting and a decent amount of clouds. I was so happy that i was listening to my favourite song but i suddenly got too emersed in the song because when i opened my eyes,i saw a bright flashing light infront of me i didnt have time to react because next thing i new,my gem cracked when i looked down at it.Everything was dizzy,but i manged to get ahold of myself.Then i looked around myself to see the van knocked down.
There was smoke coming out of it. I thought for a moment before i felt a sharp pain pierces through me. I endured the agony for a moment before a part of my gem fell into the ground. How was i even alive? The other driver i crashed into got out his car,it was a middle aged man. He looked worried. He asked me-
"Im so sorry kiddo,are you alright? You're bleeding really hard! We should get you to-"
But i didnt have time to think about why he stopped suddenly because his eyes widened and he fell back looking at something behind me. I felt something touch my hand lifting me off the ground,when i looked behind me i was jast as,maybe even more suprised to see my mother standing in front me. It wasnt even the Rose i had known for my entire life,the absolute lie of an identity was replaced by instead,Pink diamond,her original form. I didnt even know what to say. I stated at her for a moment not knowing what to say.
[Pink diamond POV]
He didnt say anything to me. Thats fair enough i suppose,its not like i wouldn't be speechless either. Im still not sure how or why im back so suddenly,or what has even happened but that didn't matter right now,Steven looked badly injured from whatever happened. I paused and looked around for a moment. Infront of us was a worried man,he looked at me in both disbelief and fear. I looked at his left and saw that a van and a car had collided into one another,so what must've happened is that they got into a really bad car crash but luckily survived. I looked around a bit more,we were on a grassy hill now,not too far away from beach city,it was mostly covered in pretty flowers,nothing else of interest. I stared at the sun slowly settling for a moment before snapping out it,and decided to finally speak up.
"Are you alright Steven? You look pretty hurt. Do you need me to heal you?"
[Steven POV]
After a minute of her staring at everything she actually talks,and remembers my name! ..Wow this is really something haha. I slightly laughed at that Pinks question and shed a tear,enough to heal myself. I rubbed the back of my head in confusion on how this is even possible.
"Shouldnt it be impossible for us to both exist at the same time? Ha,..You even said it yourself right?"
[Pink diamond POV]
He seemed mildly uncomfortable but that's understandable although im jast as confused as he is on how we could both possibly exist at the same time.
"I dont know,..Sorry Steven." was the only thing i could think to say. This was all very confusing and sudden,but there was no going back now.
Steven shurgged at me and then he thought for a moment before suggesting;
"Why dont we go to the Crystal gems? Im sure they'll know what to do..well,hopefully"
I nodded and we started to walk back to beach city since there werent any warp pads nearby that we could use unfortunately. We left the worried man back there he must be so confused, probably more then us.
[Random middle aged man POV]
What the fuck jast happened.
[Steven POV]
We started to walk,it was so akward to talk with my mom after so long,i have to admit its a bit different then what i imagined,but thats alright, im sure we'll work things out soon enough.
15 minute timeskip
We arrived at the beach house,no one was outside to witness the confusion they were about to experience in jast a few seconds though.
[Pink Diamond POV]
I haven't been to the beach house in such a long time,i really miss hanging out with the crystal gems while i was Rose. But im sure ive already shattered any possibility for that to happen again,i should probably,or rather definitely apologise for lying for so long later. Steven reluctantly opened the door,i saw Pearl frist,she was nearest the door,she started to say
"Hello Ste-"
Before stopping in shock for a moment,poor Pearl hadn't grasped the situation yet. Garnet and Amythest looked jast as shocked,too.
"Well thats not something you see every day."
Amythest said before Garnet came over to Pearl and Looked at us for a moment.
[Steven POV]
Seconds later we all sat down on the couch or rather,Pearl,Garnet and Amythest did,me and mom jast stood infront of them,although Pink was really tall so she sat on the floor.
Garnet was focused on Pink,staring at her. Pearl glanced over to me now and we started to talk.
"Well..How did *this* happen?" Pearl asked me as now everyone in the room looked at me expecting an answer.
[Pink Diamond POV]
Steven started to explain,i listened aswell,apparently he got in a car crash with the guy from earlier and his gem split,and i seemingly came out of the other half as steven showed them. They all looked surprised,but calmed down quickly and Steven finished explaining. There was an uncomfortable atmosphere in the room,i knew that it was because of me and i had to do something,to correct the long list of mistakes ive made,even if i have no idea how to. I had my head lowered the entire time while Steven was talking so now i had to lift it and fix the broken truth.

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