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Hello :)

This may be a bit of a basic and goofy idea but hey it's as much a fan-fiction as it is a fun-fiction. And of course, ALL RIGHTS GO TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR ODA!

Monkey D. Dawn, Luffy's older sister by two years. She ate the Tera-Tera fruit when she was a toddler (she's basically Toph, I know soooo original). Garp turned his back for two minutes to change Luffy's diaper and a bird dropped it into her lap, naturally being Luffy's sibling she inhaled it before Garp could stop her. And although she can't swim now, she does have good control over her 3 haki's. She lived with Garp for the first few years of her life till she was old enough to go to the Marine Academy. Becoming a Marine like her grandfather was never her dream or anything but once she ate that devil fruit and the government found out, her life was practically all written out for her. That is until Fire Fist Ace is captured by the government.

Leaving Luffy to go to the academy was one of the hardest things she had ever done. Not only because he was just a baby and probably wouldn't remember her but because she was only 4 and a half at the time. Most of the cadets entering the academy would be older than her by at least 5 years. That age gap didn't stop Dawn though as she quickly found herself one of the top cadets thanks to her devil fruit powers and of course, all the lessons Garp had beaten into her, quite literally in some situations. That's not to say her grandfather was anything but kind to her, like him she was as stubborn as a mule and had too strong of a will to control.

The day she turned 18 was the same day she became a vice admiral. She knew this position gave her the most freedom within the Navy thanks to her grandfather, but she also knew deep down she was just waiting for a reason to quit, and to truly be free. Perhaps a certain flame-wielding pirate can help her achieve just that. If they can get along for five minutes that is...

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