Chapter Two - Rusukaina Isle

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Chapter Two - Rusukaina Isle

"He's still not awake yet," Ace announced when he saw Rayleigh and Dawn approaching the submarine that was currently docked at the small island of Rusukaina. An island with forty-eight seasons right on the edge of the calm belt and the Grandline. Ace was covered head to toe in bandages and had Dawn not been so worried about Luffy she probably would have laughed at him for looking so much like a mummy.

"That's not surprising, the first time I used conquerors haki I passed out for a week," Rayleigh admitted as he took a seat next to Ace on a tree log that had fallen on the edge of where the island's beach met its woods.

"Ditto," Ace and Dawn said at the same time. Causing the two to glance towards one another.

"Thank you for taking care of my brother, I'm Dawn by the way," Dawn said with a friendly wave as she kept walking towards Law's sub.

"No problem," Ace said while watching the girl closely. Once she was out of earshot he turned to Rayleigh. "So, is she trustworthy?"

"I'm afraid we'll only know with time, but I doubt she isn't. After all, she did kill a Navy Admiral to save you and Luffy," Rayleigh admitted.

"You've met her before, right?" Ace questioned before another one popped into his head. "And why didn't Luffy tell me he had a sister?"

"I don't know, ask him. But yeah, I met her a few times when she was just a child," Rayleigh sighed as he stretched his back before standing up as she started walking back over to the two. This time without Luffy's hat. "Honestly when I met Luffy a little while ago, what shocked me most was how strong his will is, they are no different in that sense,"

"Alrighty, well I gave him his hat back, but Law doesn't think he'll wake up anytime soon," Dawn said as she walked past the two and into the woods a little bit.

"Where are you going?" Ace asked as she used her devil fruit powers to part the trees creating a little path.

"To build a fort," Dawn yelled over her shoulder and kept walking down the path she made.

"Yeah, she's definitely Luffy's sister..." Ace mumbled as he got up and started making his way down the path as well. "You coming?"

"In a bit, I need to ask Law some questions," Rayleigh replied with a dismissive shake of his hand. Ace shrugged but as he was about to continue on the path the ground suddenly shook like it had back when Dawn stopped Akainu from killing him. Ace, worried about Luffy's sister, quickly ran down the short path only to find Dawn outside a small house. Upon further inspection, Ace realized that the house was made of dirt and no doubt the shaking he felt was from Dawn using her Devil Fruit powers to build said house.

"Did you just build this?" Ace asked before he could stop himself. "Obviously she just built this, you fool!" Ace thought to himself.

"Yeah of course. Luffy is going to be here for a while and according to Rayleigh, this island has crazy weather patterns. He'll definitely need a solid shelter," Dawn smiled before walking inside. Ace quickly followed after her. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. The house wasn't just four walls and a roof; there were multiple rooms with furniture already in it. Although everything was made out of dirt and rocks, it was still really impressive, especially considering Dawn had made it within a minute or two. "I created little forts like this all the time while tracking down pirates in remote areas,"

"Well, at least something useful came out of being a Marine," Ace sassily stated as he plopped himself down on the stone couch ready to take a much-needed power nap, only for it to sink back into the ground causing him to fall flat on the ground. "Hey! Whatcha do that for?!"

"Do what?" Dawn innocently questioned despite knowing exactly what happened. Ace got up off the floor and made his way over to the other seat in the large central room. She raised her eyebrow at him as he stared at her the entire time. Ace quickly lunged for the seat only for it too to sink back into the ground at the last second. This time making him fall flat on his face, as Dawn starts laughing.

Dawn had always been a playful soul, not that she got to express that side of herself very often. Now that she was no longer another tool for the government to use like some kind of trick pony, she wanted to be free. To act and do exactly what she wanted, when she wanted, with no one telling her otherwise.

"You know what! You may have saved my life but that doesn't mean I have to like you!" Ace shouted as he rolled onto his back with a huff. The sunlight coming in through the window illuminated him in a picturesque way, causing Dawn to blush lightly. Although Dawn was no stranger to the male body there was something about Ace that gave her butterflies. Even with his stomach wrapped in bandages, she could still see the faint outline of his abs. His freckles were like a treasure map; the way they danced on his nose was hypnotizing and his eyes, which at first glance appeared black, but when the sun hit them just as it was now, Dawn swore they contained specks of gold.

"Heh, I'll get over it," Dawn said once she caught her breath. She then left the house but not before sassily waving goodbye to Ace in the doorway just to tease him.

"Where the hell is she going now?" Ace wondered as he felt the ground shake slightly below him. "Oh no..."

Dawn couldn't help but laugh when she heard Ace scream as she sent the couches back up. No doubt sending him up into the air a bit. "That'll teach him not to sass me," She thought as she leaned against the side of the house just waiting for him to storm out.

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