Chapter 15: Power

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 I materialized near scorpion crevasse, far from where I needed to be. I started heading towards where I was supposed to meet Enzon when on the way I noticed that some of the sand was turned to glass. The glass made trails along the ground and in the center I saw a man holding a woman by the throat. I ran up to them noticing that the woman was Chrimsa. The man had similar tattoos on his face and his other features were similar as well.

Chrimsa: "Help... Me..."

I lunged at the man with my Talons at the ready. He dropped Chrimsa and ran off just before I could start a fight with him.

Chris: "You're real?"

Chrimsa: "Yes I'm real, what do you mean?"

Chris: "I was put into a virtual world, that world that I met you in. I thought you were fake; a virtual person inserted into my head."

Chrimsa: "My species is inter-dimensional, When I was captured by that man, he brought me here and at first I was confused but he told me that this was the real world. We fought but he proved to be stronger. He was choking me when you ran up. Thankfully you scared him off. Thank you."

Chris: "You're welcome. I was on my way to meet Enzon when I noticed the glass. Are you okay?"

Chrimsa: "Yes, I'm fine. Can I come with you? I would feel safer with someone else."

Chris: "Sure. Come on, Enzon is this way."

We continued along the route to Enzon. We were about half-way there when we both noticed one more person laying in the desert. It was Erann Phenn. I went up to the unconscious Erann laying in the sand.

Chrimsa: "When the man who grabbed me up brought me to the surface, that's when he brought us to this dimension and when he did I saw another man who came here with us. He disappeared but this is the man I saw."

Chris: "This man helped me out of a bad spot. We should bring him with us."

Chrimsa picked Erann up and we continued to Enzon.

We arrived at the meeting site and Enzon was already there.

Enzon: "So you did get my message then?"

Chris: "Loud and clear. You could have just asked for my help."

Enzon:"No, I couldn't have. If I didn't put you through what I did, you would never have understood what exactly I was asking, but now you do. Now you know what must be done. The Sphere threat is very real. At first I thought there was just the one other Sphere here on earth but now I know there are more on the way. I don't know where they came from but they are every bit as powerful as Tennon; the other Sphere on earth."

Chris: "How long do we have?"

Enzon: "Hours, at most. Which is why we need to start the process right now."

He turned toward me and held out his hand.

Enzon: "Just take my hand, I will do the rest. It will feel odd and it might hurt in a couple of spots but I will not harm you. Also, you must deactivate your suit for me to enter."

I pressed the console on my chest and the suit broke down piece by piece starting with the armor, then unraveling the armor-like filament around my skin, all going into the diamond-shaped tech console on my chest. I nodded and held my hand out.

I took Enzon's hand and it turned into a white liquid-like substance as it wrapped around my hand and then approached my wrist. A hole opened up in my wrist just before the white liquid entered. I flinched as the ice-cold liquid started moving through my body. Enzon's body turned completely white and started moving with the flow.

I was stunned by the cold liquid as it entered my chest area. It went down my other arm first, then down my legs. I had trouble breathing as it surrounded my lungs and heart. Then it started moving up my neck into my head. It stabbed the back of my brain and my head automatically went straight back in reflex. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes as the liquid surrounded every part of my brain, becoming entangled in the neurons. When everything was settled, the liquid started syncing up to my body heat. I opened my eyes, inhaled, flexed up my muscles, and exhaled. I set my eyes straight forward as I felt the raw power flow through me. I activated my suit and looked over to Chrimsa; who watched everything happen. Her eyes were wide open and so was her mouth. She could hardly believe what she just saw, and if I hadn't experienced it myself, I would never have believed it either. Erann woke up and saw me and Chrimsa.

Erann: "Where am I? Who are you?"

Chrimsa: "My name is Chrimsa, and this is Chr-"

Erann: "I know who that is. He is the reason I left Trojan and Siege. Trojan, the bastard! I will get my revenge."

Chris: "Wait, how do you know Trojan?"

Erann: "He and I were weapon specialists for the Hentus."

Chris: "Wait, YOU'RE MIDNIGHT??!"

Erann: "That was my code name, yes. I have since abandoned it. I have to leave. I'll see you around."

He got up and started walking through the desert. I turned around to the future and started walking, power through me. A part of me knew that I could defeat Tennon but another part of me still feared Tennon's power. Either way, whether I defeat him or not, I'm ready for the fight.

Chrimsa: "So what now?"

Chris: "Now we fight. The war is on; The Sphere War."

—The End—

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