We're Twins Duh

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~Sakura POV~
I sighed in annoyance. What is taking this announcement so long? It's merely announcing our ridiculous class trip.

Finally the principal came out. But another principal came out too.

It was the Daikanyama principal. Well I was wondering why there were boys here.

"I know your wondering why Daikanyama and Ebisu are all here." the principal began and murmurs of agreement were heard.

"Well the Daikanyama principal and I are close friends. Therefore we have decided to bring together the schools for the class trip." our principal explained.


"BWAAAAAAA?!?" The crowd yells

Outrage coursed through me.

"Are you for real?!? We get to go to Ebisu
High?! Holy crap this rules!" A kid from Daikanyama yelled he fist pumped. He had brown hair and brown eyes. Plain if you ask me.

"Okay calm down. I hope you can mingle with each other and give a helping hand. I will announce your groups now. For class 2-A group A: the teacher will be Mr.Hajime Shindo.

Tsk. It's a Daikanyama teacher. He looks like an idiot.

"Hey Saka-chan can we do the thing? Please!" Misaki bounced up and down. I sighed.

"Fine." she squealed and I smiled softly at her. I was the older twin by 3 minutes.

We walked over to the group.

"Whoa! You look identical! Who are you?" The kid from earlier asked and I mentally groaned. Similar you say? Sarcasm is intended.

We looked at each at the same time.




"Hello! We are the Yamada twins Sakura and Misaki! Nice to meet you!" We said in unison ending with a bow.

The group blinked.

"Which one is Sakura? And which one is Misaki?" Mr.Hajime asked.

"I am!" We said together. "Nu uh I am!" We fake glared. "Not funny Misaki!" We said again. "Oh wait I've been Misaki from the start!" We said together again. "No!" We groaned and then Misaki giggled.

"We're just kidding I'm Misaki and that's Sakura. Nice to meet you Sensei-San." she bowed.

Everyone's eyes were spinning.

"I'm Kanji Okumiya the life of the party!" The brown eyed brown haired kid said.

"Taketo Kanazi, soccer team star, you girls look good today." A boy with brown hair and grey eyes said with a flirty wink at my sister. I glared at him.

"Yasuto Kanazi, baseball team star from what they tell me.., nice to meet you I hope we can be friends!" He smiled and my sister grinned back at the polite boy.

"That's Homare Midorikawa, he's the smartest guy in our school!" Kanji said. He pointed at a rude guy with his face in a book with black hair. My eyebrow twitched. These guys were annoying.

"Oh and a guy with grey hair and eyes is late but he is Nagisa Ichinose." Kanji said.

"Ok everyone on the bus." Mr.Hanjime said.

We all climbed on only to find all the seats were taken but 2 spots.

Misaki shrugged and say next to the Homare guy. I glared at her. She left me with it.
Kanji-San. She merely giggled.

I sat down next to it. "Lets get this straight. I was forced to sit here. I do not want any contact with you at all." I said coldly.

My Class Trip CrushWhere stories live. Discover now