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~Sakura POV~
My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. That imbecile, Kanji, has been bothering me nonstop!

"What are you reading?" He asked reading over my shoulder.

"None of your business you twit." I growled.

"Hey don't lay your vocab. on me! Homare's the vocab people." he said laughing lightly.

"Idiot! When you describe only one human you use person! Not people! People is to describe more than one person!" I threw my hands up in frustration.

I heard a familiar giggle. Misaki was laughing at my misery. Of course she would laugh. She got the sane one!

'Talk to him! You might be surprised.' She mouthed with her usual sweet smile.

I rolled my eyes. 'No way' I mouthed back turning to my book.

I heard her sigh.

Misaki was always the nicer twin. People adored her because of her cute personality and kindness. Even so she never forgot me. Making sure everyone who loved her loved me.

I remember the time as if it was yesterday.

~7 years ago~
"Saka-chan! Saka-chan! I made friends!" She bounced with glee.

"That's great Misa-chan!" I responded happily yet a tad jealous I had to share my sister.

"Come on we're meeting at the park!" She giggled grabbing my hand.

"W-wait! Are you sure they want me there?" I asked tentatively.

She stopped and turned to me. I was sure she would just shake her head and leave but she surprised me.

"If they don't want you there they can suck it up. We are twins. Two halves of the same person. You want one you take the other. Besides I'm sure they will love you just like me!" She said seriously finishing with a cheery smile.

For a moment I hesitated before I nodded following her.

Her friends accepted me with open arms. That's how I met Yukime, Akira, and Hanae.

~Back to present~

"OH MY GOD SHE CAN SMILE!" The idiot yelled. We got strange looks.

I had unconsciously smiled at the memory.

I walked him on the head with my book. "Shut it Baka!"

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