Truth in the Stars

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~Sakura POV~
The only one who seemed excited to go hiking was Misaki.

"Hurry up! We are going to miss all the good stuff!" Misaki yelled as everyone ate their lunch slowly.

I rolled my eyes at my overenthusiastic sister.

Why she was so I excited? I have no idea.

I sighed and pulled on my tan hiking boots. When Misaki is excited like this there is no getting out of it.

First is her arguments.

"I'm not going." Looks like Taketo is her victim.


"I have important things to do."

"Like what? Flirt with girls?"

"Uh that's classified."

"You know girls like a guy who appreciate the beauty of nature."



"I'm going to get my boots!"

Second is blackmail.

"Seriously? That's so stupid. I, for one am not going." Mark is her next prey.

"I have pictures of what you did the other night!"

"Oh look at this perfect day! It's great for hiking! Let's go!"

And finally the puppy eyes.

"I'd much rather stay with my books." Ouch. Looks like Homare is getting the worst of it.

Fake tears welled up in Misaki's eyes and her lip quivered for effect.

"D-don't y-you l-like m-me H-Homare-s-senpai?" She asked sadly.

A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek.

"I never said that." Obviously he doesn't know how to deal with a crying girl.

Misaki gave a fake sniffle. "B-but I-if you d-did l-like m-me... y-you w-wouldn't a-avoid m-me." she cried.

He was starting to break. Everyone was waiting for him too.

"Alright! Fine! I'll go!" He said grudgingly.

Instantly her fake tears were gone and she grinned. "Thank you~!"

"W-wait! What just-!"

"You've been fooled." I shook my head patting his shoulder following the group.


"Can we stop now?" Groaned a couple voices.

"Hush child we are almost there." Misaki said, chipper as ever.

"It's already nighttime though!" Another person shouted.

"You'll thank me later." she said waving them off.

A couple growls of annoyance were heard.

"It would be better if we actually knew what we were going to! You basically threatened and guilted us into coming here for your own stupid pleasure!" Someone yelled.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. No one wanted to hurt Misaki's feelings. She was just to nice!

Misaki whipped around with such angry eyes even Mr.Hajime took a step back.

"You know what? If you want to go fucking back and lounge around on your lazy ass be my guest! I was trying to be nice and surprise you with something only 'rednecks' and 'country hicks' see! I've been putting up with whining and complaining for 7 fucking hours! All because I wanted to show you this!" She said lowly pushing some tree branches away showing the night sky.

Several intakes of breath were heard.

The sky was like something out of a fairy tale. Enchanting midnight blue swirled with royal purple with the glittering stars twinkling lightly as the moon shown brightly.

People filed into the clearing on top of the hiking trail they had climbed grudgingly and suddenly I could tell they felt guilty.

Homare was calming down Misaki as couples separated from others, comments of the romantic scenery were heard.

Ew. Seriously. They started making out. So much for minimal PDA...

"Hey Sakura! Isn't it cool!" Kanji exclaimed appearing beside me. I rolled my eyes, how he appeared and disappeared was beyond me.

"Yeah. It's really pretty." I said softly. I had to give Misaki credit. This was worth the long climb.

Speaking of which....

I turned around to see Misaki back to normal smiling brightly at the slightly flushed Homare.

I smirked lightly. He liked her.

I shrugged. It wasn't my problem. He was going to learn sooner or later that we were leaving in 4 days. Let him have a broken heart. That's why you don't fall in love.

I looked to my side and saw Kanji looking at the stars naming constellations enthusiastically.

My heart skipped a beat and I frowned, touching my cheeks to feel them slightly warmer than usual.

Was I blushing?

Fuck no. Please don't tell me.... I like that overly excited idiot known as Kanji?

Fuck my life. Fuck it al to hell.

How was I supposed to discredit Homare when I was in the same boat.

I mentally slapped myself.

I am an idiot.

The truth was written in the stars.

Homare has a crush on Misaki Yamada and...

I have a crush on Kanji Okumiya.

And both of us were going to have a broken heart at the end of this trip.
Heya strangers! Miss me? Yeah you did 😆 give me a hug! Don't be shy! *reaches out hands*

I'm so sorry I haven't updated! The thing is I fucking made 4 chapters, saved and logged out of my account for the night. And the next fucking morning they been erased because fucking Wattpad had a fucking glitch and my heart broke 😞 because I had written some juicy stuff!

So I lost the spirit to write but got it tonight! So please don't hate me 😢

Love you guys! I'll try to update soon!

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