Chapter 1: Unwanted cold...

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In the time before memory, when the whispers of gods echoed in the void, there existed a forgotten deity known as Vespera. With a touch as gentle as the sigh of a breeze, she bestowed upon a radiant star a kiss, igniting a dormant heart within its fiery core. From that heart bloomed a flower of celestial majesty, its brilliance unfurling to reveal the cosmos itself. This flower, swelling with each passing moment, now reigns as the Sun, illuminating the heavens with its luminous embrace.

Yet, as epochs unfurled like silk upon the loom of time, Vespera sensed a poignant solitude within her creation. Though she endeavored to kindle companionship within the heart of her sunflower, a profound loneliness lingered, resistant even to the touch of life's own goddess.

Then, a revelation blossomed within her divine mind—a sibling, a kin to share the expanse of existence. As if summoned by her thoughts, a celestial wanderer, a mote of dust in the cosmic dance, drifted into her path. With a gesture borne of magic and longing, she cradled the wayward wanderer, nurturing its growth until it bloomed into the entity now known as the m-...

"Celestia! Luna! What r yeh two filly doing past the moonrise?"

Four little ears perked up in the air and two young fillies giggled as their bedroom's door was swung open by a quite disturbed mare.
They quickly covered themselves with their blankets as to not be revealed under their mother's candlelight. But they couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

The mare, weariness etched upon her features, shook her head in exasperation, yet a fond smile tugged at her lips.

"What is all that yakking I was hearing? thou two know thou need as much rest as possible before we head to the market tomorrow..."

Giggles danced like fireflies as blankets fell, revealing smiles aglow with innocence. Celestia, eldest and radiant as the dawn, bore a mane of rosy hues reminiscent of the morning sky. Luna, the younger, possessed a coat of tranquil blue and eyes that mirrored the depths of moonlit waters.

"I was simply telling a foal tale to Luna, mother... She cannot rest without one"

Announced Celestia to her mother. She then recieved a pillow to her face from the side. Luna stuck her tongue out to her big sister and had quite a silly face doing so.

Their mother approached their beds and had quite a warm smile on her lips.
She loved her daugthers so much that it pained her to have to discipline them over such sillyness...

"A foal tale thou say? i hast one that may help thou rest those little eyes of yours..."

The mare booped her yougest's child nose which made Luna giggle.
She then used her magic to place both of her daughter's pillows and blankets, once they were comfortable enough, she cleared her throat...

'In a far away land, where peace and harmony reigns, lived a colony of powerful creatures... There were ponies with horns...-'

"Like us!"
Said Luna to her sister with excitement. Celestia had to hush her sister to listen to their mother better.

'-.... ponies with wings, and ones with none of those..-'

Both fillies looked shocked at the idea of ponies with wings and with no powers at all. Never have they encoutered such creatures.

'-... Amongst them lived two little fillies, with a horn. The two sisters had powerful magic that other respected very much!
In fact, they where so powerful, that they could move the starts in the sky! They could move mountains and rivers!
The ponies loved them both so much that they made them their Princesses...-'

Luna and Celestia where in absolute awe at their mother's story, they had big round eyes.


But their mother's story came to a sudden end when a massive and flashy thunder resonated across the starless night sky.
All 3 of them jumped up screaming.

"You two stay there!"

The mare ran out the bedroom leaving the two fillies on their own...

"T..tia.. I'm scared"

Luna jumped out of her bed to join Celestia into hers. But Celestia barely held onto her little sister... Her eyes got really big as she was looking out of the window.

Luna was confused as to why everypony were looking outside. But when she finally looked out the window herself, she couldn't believe it...

In the village square.. all the villagers gathered outside absolutely flabbergasted by what they were seeing...

Snow.. there was snow falling from the sky, in the middle of a hot summer..

The wind then started to pick up and get colder, everypony was wondering weither they should panic or stay put...

Luna followed her sister closely, it was snowing so much that a fine layer had already formed under their hooves.

While Luna was quite impressed by what she was witnessing...

Celestia seemed worried just like her mother was.. this is certainly not normal and quite concerning.

"What is the meaning of this??!"

Everypony turned around as they heard their king arriving. Lord Ulric was the leader of the horned ponies of the Silverleap Empire.

He was quite a powerful and knowlegable king, but even he could not understand this phenomenon....

Everypony bowed down as he marched surrounded by his guards. He looked in the air then the ground.

"Please remain calm, return to thy homes and issues while we find a way to forbear this!"

Announced King Ulric

Celestia had a gut feeling that this was worst than it seemed... Never have they witnessed this.

The cold became more piercing and the wind was stronger than it was. The farmers where now panicking and running towards their crops against the king's orders.

Celestia and Luna both yelped at the sudden panic amongst their people.
Celestia took a step back and stood in front of her little sister as a form of protection. She frantically looked around for her mother, but alas, she could not detect her...

The snow was now harsh and felt like ice stones hitting their usually thick coat...

As the king and his guards were desperately attempting to calm everypony down while fighting this demonic storm themselves.

A loud, low and terrifying sound resonated throughout the sky... It was unlike anything they ever heard.... This was... unlike anything they have ever heard...
The sound made everypony stop. They all looked up at the sky while screaming in terror.

''.........EVERYPONY! TO THE CASTLE!!!'' Yelled the king to his people.

Celestia gasped, completely horrified and scared of whatever this sound was...
With little to no hesitation, she picked Luna up with her magic and placed her onto her back and ran towards the castle with everpony else, hoping her mother would join them both...

..... Please, dont leave us alone...

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