Chapter 6: Hostile Host...

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As Luna and Celestia approached the frozen kingdom, they couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled over them like a heavy blanket of snow. The once welcoming glow of the kingdom now seemed tainted with hostility, and they exchanged wary glances as they trudged forward.

Before they could take another step, a commanding voice shattered the icy silence. "Halt! What business do unicorns have in our kingdom?"

Startled, Luna and Celestia turned to see a group of armored pegasi descending from the sky, their wings beating with authority. At their forefront was a stern-looking Pegasus with a mane as dark as the storm clouds above. Beside said pegasus stood a younger one who seemed a bit less stern and seemed apologetic towards the two mares.

The two unicorns stood in awe at the sight of the group of flying ponies, they heard about them in foalstories, but never would they have believed they existed! Luna had a big whole smile plastered onto her face as her ans Celestia approched them.

"I am Commander Hurricane of the Royal Guard," he declared, his voice cutting through the frosty air like a blade. "Unicorns are not welcome here. State your purpose, and be quick about it."

Celestia stepped forward, her posture regal despite the chill in the air. "We seek answers and assistance. Our home is besieged by unending snow and ice, and we believe there may be knowledge within your realm that can aid us."

Commander Hurricane's gaze hardened, and he exchanged a tense glance with his fellow guards. "Your kind brought this curse upon yourselves," he spat, his words laced with bitterness.
The younger pegasus pulled him aside and whispered into his ear... they both looked back at Luna and Celestia, leaving them puzzled as to what they were talking about.

The two soldiers then turned back around and Commander Hurricane flew closer to the two mare
''If you seek answers, you will have to come with us. You will be treated as prisoners until we decide what to do with you."

Luna felt a knot form in her stomach, but she knew they had no choice but to comply. With a heavy heart, she followed her sister and the guards as they made their way through the imposing gates of the kingdom.

''Luna?.... this feels like a baaaad idea...'' Whispered a familiar voice.

Luna turned her head around before lifting her cloak, underneath it was James looking a bit decieved in the young filly.

''I know, I can't help but feel like this is more dangerous than that monster back there...'' She replied with a little quiver in her voice.

''QUIET!'' Said one of the guard as they poked the two sisters with their lances.

Luna dropped the cloak over James as he let's out a muffled ''Rude!''. She looks up at her big sister for reassurance but Celestia seems unsure as well of what is going on.

Inside, they were met with glares and muttered curses from the inhabitants, who eyed them with open hostility. Luna felt a pang of fear clutch at her heart as they were led through the icy streets, the cold seeping into her bones with every step.

They were brought before a figure seated upon a throne of clouds, her icy blue eyes gleaming with malice. "I am Queen Dormant Thunder," she announced, her voice like shards of ice. "What brings unicorns to my kingdom?"

Celestia stepped forward, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Your Majesty, we come seeking aid for our home, which has been cursed by unending winter. We believe there may be a connection between our plight and the magic that surrounds your realm."

Queen Dormant Thunder regarded them with a cold gaze, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer. "Unicorns are not welcome here," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "Your kind has always been a blight upon our land, with your frivolous magic and your arrogant ways."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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