Chapter 2: Looking for help...

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It has been weeks since the storm took over the SilverLeap Empire....
On that fateful night, many did not make it to the castle on time, due to the deadly cold and the thick gusts of snowy winds...

The mares and stallions were working day and night to tend to the wounded and the healthy ones.

Their king was not prepared for any of this, and many spells failed.

Whatever caused this storm was not from this realm. It was certainly not coming from SilverLeap...

The rations were getting thinner and thinner as each days passed. Causing malnutrition amongst the hopeless citizens. The king kept sending guards out for food, but to no avail.... They would bring a few roots on a good day.

Many attempted to go and find the source of this storm, but would not come back.

The king have now forbidden anypony from leaving the castle, as to not put any more lives at risk. Anypony who would disobey this rule would be locked away as to keep them safe.


"Tia... When can we go back home...?"

The young blue filly caught the mare off guard.
Celestia turned around to look at her little sister, standing there beside her half of the bunk bed they shared.

The room was dark and cold, only a few candles kept the light alive.

Celestia closed her history book and lifted her bed sheets.

Luna climbed into the already tiny bed and cuddled onto her big sister, he little body was frail and cold... She was slightly shivering as she tried to find warmt from her sibling.

The only thing that kept them going was their mother..

The poor mare was affected by the cold storm, and had multiple frostbites all over her body. She was in no shape to care for her children, which left Celestia to be the one in charge.

"I do not know yet Luna... We need to let mother rest peacefully until the storm leaves."

Replied Celestia while gently caressing her sister's mane... Trying to give her as much comfort as needed.

The little filly curled up and closed her eyes, she remained quiet, taking in as much details as she could.

Celestia used her magic to pull her book back towards herself, the pages opened before her.
She kept reading onto what may be the cause of all this.. If the current magic did not worked to explain this.. then maybe ancient magic could.....

Just as she was about to lose hopes, an image caught her attention...
It was a faded away drawing of multiple clouds with eyes and wings, which definitely looked unusual...


She whispered to herself...

"Cold evil, feeding off hatred and despair.... do not ever mention their name, do not ever think of them....

Keep the peace."

Celestia gasped loudly, this was it!! It has to be it!!
The young mare jumped out of her bed,waking up Luna in the process, she held her book close to her and ran where the king and most ponies where sheltered at.
Luna looked absolutely confused, but followed her sister anyways, as she did not want to be alone... The darkness scared her the most.

"Windi-what? Celestia! Wait up!!"

Yelled out Luna as she was trying to catch up.


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