Dramione/Scorose(Not a rant-DUH-)

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I just realised,if you ship Dramione,you can't ship Scorose!

'Cause Ron+Hermione=Romione

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Rose and Hugo

And Dramione=Draco+Hermione

And everyone creats their children.

But....We ship Scorose because of the Weasley/Malfoy rivaliry.BUT,we can't,so Romione shippers you just ruindmy life :(.

Now,i'm gonna rant about something random,i'll talk untill i find something to rant about.

Okay so,i hate it when in fanfictions,they give pepole black eye colore.NO one has black eyes!Only Prophet Muhamed God Blesse him had black eyes.And yes,i'm a Muslim,gotta a problem with that?

And really guys?It'....Fred who...d..d..d..ied *cries*

10 hours later

Okay,i'm good now.....And pepole tell me it's George!Like,read the BLOODY BOOK!

''Honestly,don't you two read?''*Said in Hermione voice*

Um,oh yeah,i hate it when Twihards just.....Text Talk.

Why do you guys text talk?Ur,U,Knw,IKR,IDK,LOL.Gr8.ROLF....You can comment with those,PM with those ,yes,but not wrtie A STORY with them.Maybe,you can say it in your joke book,text book,did you go to Primry School,or do you just drool over Sparkels in those 5 years?

And if you Twihards think that Twilight is better,well,keep it for yorselves.We don't need to know how ''hot'Jacob is or how ''creative'' those sparkels are or how ''mean''Harry was in book five.And most pathetic reason how Harry Potter is against relegion.Siriusly?I am a Muslim,and Potterheads arv Jewish,Muslims and Christians!

And off Twilight now.

It's a bit weird,today's rant!But you guys seem to enjoy me whining and complaining about stuff i hate!

And since i want to recommend things you have to check@Lubnah10  

She's DA BOMB!AND my best freind on Wattpad!

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