Forgotten Ditails

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Pepole,please,when you uptade,re-read your story,so you don't forget details,like characters or something.Like me in my story Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy,if you read it,i'm sure you'll tell me i forgot about that...Thing,i won't tell you if you didn't read my story!

But really,sometimes,those little details can give you ideas.Like JK Rowling did in the HP books.And when the reader reads them he's like 'It's not important'But everything you post is important.

Yes,humans forget,i'm a human too,but,atleast,if you don't remember your plot,atleast reread the last two chapters you wrote!

Now,it's 22:24 in Algeria,i'm gonna read some fics then go to my super comfty bed,with Harry Potter sheets....

And this 'book' is officielly a rant book.

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