Fanfiction clichés.

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Ahem,today,i shall whine like a five year old,about Clichés!Oh and,that picture,on the top,you see it?Yeah,it's a cover i made for my story,but then i decided i won't use it!

Anyway,i'll start with.....Dramione fanfics.

First thing i say....Is a lack of creativity?

What i mean is,Why the Bloody Hell would you only write Dramione fanfics,when Dracopolo is a Head Girl,and Hermin is Head boy,why?And why does it have to be in seventh year?Why do they develope feelings either slowly or very fast.

 And,why is Ron:

-Abusing Hermione.

-Cheating on Hermione......With a dead Girl AKA Lavander.

-Keeping Lavander alive,let the girl rest in peace!Or atleast make her a werewolf or something,half wereworlf or,oh i don't know,dead?

Ron is a great friend,a bit of a git,but....

Ginny,oh Ginny.....What's up with the Ginny and Blaise thing pepole?

One day they bumb into eachother and they are like.

'Oh hey!Let's set up Draco and Hermione!'

Guys,i ship Blinny,i can't help it,but,DO NOT WORRY!HINNY'S IN MY TOP 5 OTPs!Ahem,anyway,like i was saying,let HP have his girlfriend pepole!

And,why dosen't anyone use Theodore Nott?He's cool!The dude is totally forgotten!

Your answer would be.'He dosen't appear much' My reply would be.'Yea,and the HP books are about Blaise?'

I know,i know,rude much?I'll move to another type of story,but i'll write a full chapter on  Dramione clichés.

Now,i hate it when pepole in the back in time fics,they only use time turners.

There are things called spelles and potions you know?

It can be a spell rebounded,it can be a potion gone wringe,does it have to be a time turner broken by,it's either:

-James Sirius Potter,stolen from his father's desk.

-Lily Luna Potter,stolen from Rose's closet.

-Hugo Weasley,stolen from Hermione's desk.

WTFudge peeps?That's all you've got?I'm stopping right here.

You know what?If i rant all of this today,i swear i'll never stop,so,see you next time!

PS:If you checked TGWCD you'll find a contest,please enter!


                  Lylia Da Bomb

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