A Celestial Controversy

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She wouldn't go out with him on her own! These are the words that echoed through Discord's head as he paced around an empty field.

"She's right... Celestia wouldn't date me on her own... She hasn't shown any interest in me after our battle, and now all of a sudden, after my second time trying to overtake this lame little country, she wants to date me?"

He chuckled to himself as he stopped pacing.

"Oh Celestia! You really did go crazy! And I want to stick around and watch this whole thing unfold..."

He put his claw up in a snapping motion and left the field in a flash.

Meanwhile, In the cold lavish halls of the Canterlot Castle, Celestia calmly sat at her throne and filed different kinds of documents. She smiled and hummed as she thinks about her loved one, all is well, until...

Knock knock

There is a furious knock on the doors that leads to the throne room. Celestia looked up from her stack of documents in shock as the door swung open, hitting the guard behind it. Celestia looked at the guards next to her in fear and worry as she tilts her head toward the door, signaling for them to do something. The guards nodded at her as they flew at full speed to the doors and held up there spears, blocking them from coming inside the room. What could they possibly want? Why are they this angry?! Celestia thought to herself, not wanting to admit that her heart sunk in panic. Still, she kept on the façade of a fearless leader. She stood up and opened her wings as her voice boomed loudly throughout the room with authority.

"What brings you all into my presence so hostility?!"

"It is us! The creatures you forgot about when you canceled the summit to be with your new boyfriend!"

An angry unicorn with a rather large mustache yelled over the guards as him and his army of other angry summit goers tried to push their way in. The guards succeeded in blocking them, even if it took all of their strength. When Celestia heard the word boyfriend, her heart sank more as her face went pale. How did they know about that?! I was so sure to keep that secret! Right? She doubted herself as she thought in silence. She looked at the floor and her ears flattened against her head. The angry mob saw her avoid eye contact and heard the lack of response from their solar leader; this made them furious as some shouted in disgust and anger while others yelled accusations of their own. Celestia snapped back to reality as she went back to "Princess mode." She shifted her voice once more and remains very vague.

"I apologize for the canceling of the summit, but know that it was for a good reason and well worth it into the future."

She stated with a calm yet overpowering tone. She thought all was well and that they would understand, but her unspecific response infuriated them further.

"Lies!" Yelled one.

"You're hiding things from us!" Yelled another.

"You cancelled the summit after we worked so hard for it so you can be with your freakish new lover! If you are not being held hostage, than you're just being selfish! We did our part for Equestria, all we asked is that you did yours!"

The great mustached leader of the mob yelled as he pointed a hoof to Celestia, calling out her incompetence as a ruler. Celestia's eyes narrowed as she looked down at them, resulting in a shadow appearing over her face ominously. She was angry... but not at the insults to her, but at the insults to Discord. She furrowed her brow and gazed at the mob with hate. How dare they... how dare they say such terrible things about him... they don't even know him! Who do they think they are?! She spoke to them in a cold tone.

"Oh you ponies... I did do my part. You just don't see my vision yet. Yes, I canceled the summit for another, but soon, you shall all see how beneficial this is to Equestria...." The Sun Queen whispered with a cold and menacing tone she she crossed her legs.

The mob looked at her in shock and murmured to each other again, clearly frightened by their once kind rulers tone. "Y-you will see Princess! T-This isn't right and justice will be served!" One of the ponies in the mob cowered in fear as their voice shook. Celestia just smiled sinisterly and nodded, which sent everyone into a frenzy as they backed up out of the room.

"This isn't like her!" "I know right! She's acting very.... well... creepy." The ponies whispered to each other while in the hallway from the throne room. "We need a plan..." The leader of the group whispered fearfully as they trotted out of the hallway to leave.

Soon, the angered mob left, leaving the Princess alone with her thoughts. With a shaky sigh, she thinks to herself. What was that about? Oh, I am such a fool. They had a good point... what kind of leader cancel's an entire summit because of one creature? I am a goner for sure... I must fix this.

She looked around and felt the emptiness of the throne room that was once full of angry ponies shouting at her. The sunlight shined into the room gently and the only sounds that were present, was the scratching of her quill upon a scroll and the sound of her breathing. Alone... I really am truly alone... Celestia sighed heavily as she continued her sorrowful reflections to herself.

No matter what my sister thinks, I have no one. She doesn't know that all these ponies who talk to me, never have anything nice to say. It's all just for business, I have no actual friends. She stopped writing and looked around the room. She looked out the window and attempted to fight back tears. Maybe that is why I did all of this...This reckless decision, selling my own soul... all because I wanted to love someone who doesn't love me back.

Celestia dropped her scroll and started to sob, she tried so hard to stop, but it was so so hard. She was afraid and angry as she cried into her wings as they covered her face. She finally spoke to herself in a broken voice "Stupid! Stupid! How could I be so stupid!" Her sobbing echoed throughout the Castle as her voice reached the outside of the throne room, causing some servants to hear. The servants look at each other in concern and heartbreak upon hearing their beloved Princess cry so hard. They can't help but be nervous, she was always so strong and happy, so what could have possibly made her so upset?

In her rage, she takes off her crown and throws it across the room, leaving a dent into the golden artifact as the reverberation is heard from the hallway. All of a sudden... the door opened.

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