In Days Past.

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It had been a few days since the tragic incident in the forest, Maggie had eventually made it to Hilltop and was in safe care there. No other lives were taken that night, thankfully, but all of our lives were changed.

Things had felt different without Glenn, our morale was running low without him, his laugh, his aweful jokes, his advice, the light he brought to Maggies eyes. Since Glenn's death, Maggies eyes were dull, void of any light. Talking to her deemed useless, all she wanted to do was sit and stare out of the window, waiting for her day to get revenge on Negan.

The rest of the group, aside from Sasha, were back at Alexandria, hiding from the outside world. The air was tense, even now, everyone blamed themselves for not being able to save Glenn and protect Maggie from the heart break.

I sat on the rocking chair the front porch and looked off into the subtle pink sky, orange hues dancing around the marshmallow clouds, a gentle breeze taking wind. A hush fell over Alexandria as I looked out, my mind crowded with different memories of Glenn.

'Hey kid!' A cheery voice bounced towards me, a bright eyed Glenn jogged towards the porch as I was cleaning my gun. I smiled up at him, I saw Glenn as a brother, I could trust him with anything.
'Hey! Glenn, what's up?' I asked, he seemed more joyous than usual and I quickly found out why, he handed me a comic book with a huge grin on his face. His smile could light up a whole room.
'That's what, found that for you.' He laughed as I flicked through the pages with untamed excitement, I had recently been collecting any comics that were in decent shape and reading them whenever I had spare time.
'This is great! Thank you!' I wrapped him into a hug over the porches bannister. Glenn laughed softly, grinning ear to ear, his smile was guineine and full of love.

Glenn was so thoughtful, always remembering the little nuances of people. I still had the comic he got me, even now I still read it from time to time. I watched as my dad and Michonne returned home from another scavenging trip, they were silent as the gate opened and they headed straight to the rationing house. I quickly followed suit, eager to see what they had returned with.

"Hey son," My dads broken voice rung out as he glanced back at me, I gave him a comforting smile and walked with him, his arm laying over my shoulders. They didn't come back with much, but it would keep us going for a while. I helped put everything in its place and then followed my dads instructions to check on the garden.

I sighed as I knelt down to the tomatoes, some of them were growing well, but most of them were dying.

'Carl, Maggie! Come quick!' A yell was heard from the garden, myself and Maggie quickly running towards it worried a walker had gotten through the wall somehow. Instead, we found Glenn, beaming over the garden holding up a small tomato.

'God Glenn, don't do that! You nearly scared me half to death!' Maggie playfully smacked his shoulder before grinning ear to ear at the sight of the tomato. They shared a loving look.

Glenn looked at Maggie like she was the only girl in the world, as if no one else existed to him in that moment. You could feel the love between the two of them, like a roaring fire on a cold winter night. They had recently announced their engagement to Alexandria, and we all knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time. I wished that one day I couldn't find someone to look at the way Glenn looked at Maggie. He adored everything about her. The world melted away when he was with her.

Without Glenn, the garden had been somewhat neglected. This garden was his pride and joy. I began to check for any weeds, pulling them out if I did find any. Then I moved onto watering them. I did the same for the whole garden before standing up and looking at the darkening sky, dad would be getting ready to hold his meeting right about now.

I got up, dusting the mud from my jeans before adjusting my hat and heading towards the town centre, a string of lantern lights were being held by the people of Alexandria as they waited for Rick to arrive.

It wasn't long before my dad came walking over, everyone's eyes turning to him and what he was about to say.

"Out of respect for Glenn, I want us to have a grave." His words were blunt, leaving no room to question his decision. "And, I want to kill the bastard that is making us put our friend in the ground. I want every one of his men dead, take a few in if they'll surrender. But otherwise, I dont want any of them alive." his words dripped in rage, a few of the people shared concerned looks.

"Dad..." My voice was quiet, afraid of being yelled at I gently pulled him aside and spoke to him, "You can't expect everyone to be on board with something like that, not everyone here is like us..."

A deep sigh escaped him, his hands firmly on his hips as he turned back around to the crowd,
"He killed Glenn. He bashed his skull in right infront of me, infront of some of us. You all knew Glenn. Knew what kind of man he was, we can't just sit here and let his memory die. Let Negan get away with what he did to Glenn." The last sentence was more hushed, the grief stricken words that had fallen from his mouth were yet another reminder that Glenn was truly gone.

Not many people appeared convinced by my dads words, they were firm in their beliefs of not murdering another human. But, they didn't see the horrific attack on Glenn, they haven't lived outside of these walls like we have. At night, when the darkness blankets the town, when the walkers snarling is louder than your own breathing, we are the ones out there. Not them. They shouldn't get a say in this. Anger started to flow through me, overcoming my worry of what the others thought of me.

"We protect you! We go out and gather and fight! You don't do anything but sit here waiting for it all to be over! Glenn would be here every single day fighting for you! He still would be if it wasn't for Negan!" My voice broke on the last sentence, my hands cramping from how tightly I was clenching my fists, shock littered their faces. My eyes began to sting with tears.

"I think what Carl is trying to say... Is that we came to Alexandria and we've made your lives better, easier." My dads voice was calm, comforting, lulling the people in like a siren. "We bring you food, we bring you the things you need and ask for nothing but a place to sleep in return. And now, someone who was a friend to all of you is gone. All were asking is some support in going ahead with this." Rick's stern face softened as he looked around, begging people to remember Glenn. To remember who we've lost.

I huffed, my chest heavy and my throat tight, trying to calm down. I looked at the floor, but I couldn't help but remember that night.

The noises.

The screaming.

The crying.

The blood.

Their eyes.

Tears began to slip down my face, my jaw clenching tightly shut, the feelings of that night coming back. The way Negan looked at us like we were toys, his men staring at us in amusement and the way that girl just looked right through me. It all made my blood boil. It made me feel nauseated. Maggies cries flooded my ears, the crushing reality of what had happened finally took its toll on me. My head began to spin, my stomach churning and gurgling.

I swiftly ran to a nearby house, my hand being planted on the brick wall as my lunch began to hurl itself from me, I watched as the vomit poured out of me like moldy milk from the carton. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I collapsed to my knees, choked sobs escaping my throat and tears flooded my face. Why Glenn? Why Glenn.

In days past, we wouldn't have to question this. Glenn would still be here with us, laughing, running, breathing. But one man took that from us, and I would make damn-sure that Glenn is the last thing he ever takes.

This chapter is a little shorter than the others, but the next one will be a longer one! Life has been extremely busy so I didn't have much time to write but hopefully by next week the next chapter will be published <3

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