The Saviours.

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After an arduous journey, I had finally made it back to where Michonne and I had first laid eyes on Negans place. Now, I had to find my dad. He would be furious about my disobedience, but I know I could convince him that this was a good idea. By now, it was nightfall, the sky was black, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to see, but this worked in my favour. If my dad had lit a fire, I'd be able to see a faint glow of it.

I spent a few minutes searching around until I saw a glimmer of light emitting from behind some trees, I quickly ran over to it. My feet throbbed from walking all day, my shoulders sore from carrying the backpack. Within seconds, I had fallen to my feet, a clanging sound ringing out and attracting who knows what to me.

A multitude of clicks were heard, and when I finally scrambled to my hands to look up, I had Sasha and Abraham staring down the barrels of their guns at me. I awkwardly smiled as Sasha let out a loud groan and sighed.

"What in the shit-nuts are you doing here!" Abraham yelled, grabbing my collar and dragging me to my feet. Before I could begin to stutter out an explanation, I heard hushed footsteps approaching.

"Abraham, Sasha?" I could hear my dads voice whisper. He was crouched over his gun, looking around before he finally made eye contact with me. Fury flooded his eyes as he straightened his posture.

"Carl?" His tone was riddled with anger. He climbed over a tin-can noise trap, and closer to me, he holstered his gun before deeply sighing. I grimaced, waiting for a yell, but instead, he simply hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I know you said to stay at Alexandria, but I-" He cut me off,

"It's okay, son," He began, squeezing me,
"I'm just glad you weren't hurt on the way." He looked down at me, I could tell he was angry.

"You're not mad?" I asked, worried for his reply.

"Oh no, I'm mad." He stated, furrowing his brows at me and flicking my hat,
"But, I'm glad you're safe." He laughed, I suppose his 'dad-side' was kicking in, aside from his 'leader-cop-Rick' side. He shook my shoulder before taking a seat, and everyone followed suit. I took out the beef Jerky from my bag and began to eat, offering the others some too.

"Why are you here?" Sasha asked. The exhaustion on her camp-lit face was obvious. Through a full mouth, I said,

"I just figured I could help. I had a bad feeling about this whole thing, and I wanted to make sure you guys were... safe." I said the last sentence a little quieter, I knew they could handle themselves and didn't want to be ridiculed for thinking I could 'save' them. Abraham let out a hearty laugh,

"He's definitely your kid, Rick. He's got a saviour complex already!" We all shared a laugh, this moment feeling peaceful - the trees surrounding us, a quiet whistle echoing from the leaves, the warmth of the campfire glowing on everyone's faces. Sparks spitting off the camfire resembling fireworks in the night sky, brightly shining before dying out swiftly. We all shared a few silent moments, taking in the world around us,

"So, what have you found out so far?" Sasha piped up, taking a sip of her water and adjusting her seating position. I looked up to my dad and Michonne, who were sat awfully close together.

"Well, we know that Negan has men coming in and out all of the time,"Michonne began, looking around the group, "He has the supplies to support a lot of people. But we don't know how he's getting the supplies." I watched as the cogs turned in my dads mind as Michonne spoke.

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